I saw this on the news this morning and again when I signed on to FaceBook, the link was provided to read and hear the report.
I have been reading about the Texas Jr. High School Principal, Ms. Amy Lacy, who was dismissed (contract not renewed) because she was accused of telling her students that they "couldn't speak Spanish in school".
Common sense seems only to be getting worse. Here is a school official trying to help her charges ti be able to do better, by understanding the language of the land, ENGLISH. Common sense and American values are sadly lacking on too many little minds that shout loudly and intimidate greatly. Have we become a BULLY Society? I think the answer is YES. Another sad day for American patriots.
I just read the report of what the students are saying. It seems that perhaps, because they are not that fluent in English, as the transcript (if accurate) indicates, they MAY have not understood the statement made by the School Administrator, Ms. Amy Lacey, about speaking English. I do understand if your 1st language is something other than English, you will socially go back to that as a communication choice among friends. HOWEVER....the stories I have heard of when European cultures came to our shores, the legal, immigrant adults INSISTED that their families learned and speak ENGLISH as quickly as possible. WHY? Because they were now in AMERICA! A new and different culture and that it is their responsibility to blend in to that culture. What a difference a few generations make. We still welcome EVERYONE to our great country. We still have our cultural heritage's and (used to) blend in on the communication/language level. We all celebrate our heritage with our holidays. The fact that we are not blending as well anymore is because our (mostly illegal) immigrants/invaders refuse to let go of their heritage enough to become the ONE NATION called AMERICA. Instead, we are becoming unfocused on why they are coming here. My question is this: IF your country of origin is so great . . . why did you come here in the first place? I am proud of my heritage. I value my family that came from other shores. I am proud of their efforts to be citizens of the United States of America. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Although it would be interesting to visit the countries my family originated from, I would not care to live there. I am an American citizen. I and my forefathers have fought in many wars to maintain our freedom. I am saddened by so many people who are invading our country to continue to live separately instead of following our laws and adhering to our regulations and have the gaul to demand equality when in fact it is their own actions that are separating them from the citizenry that they are seeming to want to be a part of but not follow the processes to do legally do so.
When I was in the military, I had the opportunity to visit many foreign shores. I saw a wide diversity of very interesting cultures. I enjoyed their hospitality and experienced how they lived and a little about what was "different" about their society. I have been to many diverse cultures. I have traveled to Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippine Islands, Japan, Spain, England, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and probably a few more that this old brain can't recall at the moment. So I feel that I have seen a sizable part of this wonderful place we call EARTH. In comparison, after seeing and experiencing all of these places, I will state, for the record, you can quote me on this: There is no other place on this planet that is greater than the United States of America!
We have our challenges as all countries do. Right now we are lacking competent leadership at the National level. We are loosing focus on individual incentive to WORK for what you want. We are becoming (through the prevailing crybaby portion of our populous) a gimme nation. This MUST be turned around. Those that can't work because of a physical or mental, HONEST to GOD condition are the ones we take care of. All the rest need to straighten up, get their heads out of their behinds and support themselves through that wonderful word: WORK. This country has prided itself the past in taking care of the infirm, the aged, and the veterans. As we all see on the news, the Veterans are loosing ground in the care department, the infirm area is being infiltrated by the "not informed, but don't want to take care of themselves because they are lazy", and the aged are being abused with the healthcare regulations and changing the care policies that they were promised! Medicare was bastardized when the program was opened up to those that didn't pay into it! This must be changed back.
We have a lot to do to get our Grand Country back to where it needs to be. We have to find a way to STOP the border invasions, change the policies back to where we get those that haven't paid into the Social Security plan are removed from it. Start to put the responsibility of income, paying your own way back to the individual. We have too many folks that are cheating the system when they can support themselves, and not be a draw on the system that is designed to help those that are unable to support themselves and have no family that can help them. I know that there is a lot to do, but when people walk up with the food stamp cards and are flashing that iPhone around and wearing $200 sneakers, it boils my blood. The system is falling apart. A lot has to do with the mindset...of both the recipient and the "clerk" that is helping them fill out the papers.
Personal choice is a BIG part of what I am talking about. I personally chose to get an education. WHY? So I could support myself and a family. So I could buy a home. So I could pay for a car and the insurance. So my children could have the same opportunity to do the same. Bye the way: We taught our children to be self sufficient as well. I chose to have several jobs along the way to improve my income abilities/potentials. I chose to be part of the solution, not a part of the problem. I saw that those who leached off the "system" were not happy people. They seemed to not have any focus on things outside of their arm reach. I chose to not be like that. I chose to do things that not only helped my and my family to live a decent life, but to be able to help others along the way. I have been blessed...there is no doubt about it. I believe in God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe that God was a BIG part in the founding of our Great Nation. We need to get Him back in the Commanders seat as He was in the beginning. It is when God is first in all our lives, that He will bless us as a Nation and us as individuals once again.
Keep singing, Keep smiling, Keep Laughing