Sunday, October 12, 2014

Modern Mega Church or Smaller Country/Neighborhood Church?

A great friend of mine emailed me a parody on today and it was a large eye opener in a way.  It portrayed todays American Christian church service with the sequence of a "normal" service, dialoged with what was really happening during a "feel good service".  I had to laugh because it was pretty spot on, in my opinion.  I have visited several rather large non-denominational churches in my life and see them in this video. Hopefully, they didn't start out with what the end results were, but still the same, I have found that there are many folks that LOVE this type of Worship Service.  They have fooled themselves into thinking loud praise songs with a lot of repetitive words/chants, a preacher shouting feel-good phrases, and everybody going away feeling like their weekly "God" ticket has been punched and they are "good to go for the rest of the week" is, in most cases, not what Worship is about.

I see this quite a bit in larger cities, where the crowds are.  Here in more rural part of USA, there is still somewhat of this type of "show" church here and there, but there are more predominately basic fundamental church, particularly in our country churches, like the one I go to.  We are a very small, conservative, congregation and belong to a "charge" of two other neighboring churches (United Methodist) utilizing the same Pastor.  Each congregation is a different make up of folks.  Way back in the early days, churches were established within walking or a short buggy ride distance.  

Since I have been there, this congregation has welcomed my wife and I with open arms.  Music wise, there is a pianist and I volunteered to help with the music by playing my acoustic guitar.  They seem like it, as now there is a touch more instrument when the singing is going on.  We do mostly hymnal music, but I am introducing some "Gaither" style music i.e. "Because He Lives", and some "Maranatha" music i.e. "Lord I lift Your Name on High", type songs.   Nothing real radical, because: 1.I am a simple musician and 2.More "now music" needs drum sets, and electrified instruments, etc. which we don't have.  If ever God wants us to have drums, etc. He will provide the right people.  I have experienced that at First Henderson United Methodist Church in Nevada, where I was before moving to Tennessee.  What a blessing Brad is!  

So at our church here in Rural America, I think we have reached a moderate worship environment with hard hitting sermons with thought provoking messages that we take home and think about and, for me, am reaffirmed that I am going to church to be spiritually fed to help me through the week and opens my mind and my heart to try to bring more people to Christ . . . which is what the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) tasks us as Christians, with this activity, so that shouldn't be too far of a stretch for us to understand. 

The use of music in church, which includes singing and musical instruments as per: 2 Samuel 6:5 "And David and all the house of Israel played before Jehovah with all manner of instruments made of fir-wood, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with castanets, and with cymbals." suggests that the use of instruments pleases God, so I am all for our modern instruments and all, makes for better understanding of what God has for us to worship Him with.

Being a Christian, I believe that God has us here for a purpose.  I have met so many folks that are living the life that Christ has told us to do, and that is so encouraging.  I believe that that purpose is to bring others to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He sent over 2000 years ago as a sacrifice for our sins. Because of that event, the world has never been the same.  There is hope for us.  

There has been much written and much discussion about this "religion thing".  My goal is to do the best I can to inform as many people as I can of the LOVE that God has for each and everyone of us.  Quite a big project isn't it?  How does one go about such a challenge as this?  First is to be firmly into reading the Bible. It is our foundation of information. There is always room for more study.  We do the best we can in the time we have, to live a life that pleases God.  Through our actions, words, and Love, we can be an example of what a Christ follower is.  Because we are loved so much by God, we have enough to share with people we cross paths with in our daily walk.  We study through Christian books to broaden our scope of interaction with others by sharing old truths in new light.  But most of all, we share what we learn.  We share the Love of God to others in need, in distress, in crisis, in loneliness, etc. through actions as we can.   I believe that one of my gifts from God is the love of music.  That is why I do what I do.  I have looked back on my life and have seen God's guidance along the way.  That is a great gift right there (being able to look back on your personal life and see God in it)!  

Back to the beginning of what this issue is about.  I have seen so many people excited about learning about God and all the greatness He has for us and ways that we can share His love!  I hear that those that teach are responsible to teach the truth.  What I have seen through the years are a lot of false teachers.  We have a couple on TV right now getting their congregants all worked up into a froth and leaving the arena all excited about feeling good.  The hour or two they have been absorbing the "me, me, feel good" garbage that has driven them to a frenzy.  Yes, it is necessary to feel good about yourself, but after leaving an event of high intensity, the focus on what to do about it, is missing.  Channel it to helping others in need, etc.  Sharing your story of redemption with others.  Find an outlet for you to lead others to knowing Christ and why He Loves us so much.  

My point of my sharing today is this:  Be careful of the content of your community Worship to God.  Make sure it isn't the "surface feel good-but do nothing about it-to help others", type of event.  Study yourself, don't just rely on others to "tell" what the Bible says, but read it for yourself.  Think about it, put it into practice to make someone's life better by having you in their life.  Even if it is just a smile or warm comment, perhaps that is all they really needed.  So many folks are starved of personal, one on one, interaction.  Sing a few hymns, smile a lot.  Talk with folks you see as you do what you, etc.  Give them words of encouragement.  Let them know they are noticed.  Help the least of God's people and your reward will be great.

Hope I got you thinking into action.  We are a society that is becoming inward thinking, even with FaceBook, iPhones, tweet, and a million (it seems) other ways we are "in the Public".  Face to face visiting with others is where you can make a difference in the "Caring and Sharing" that God wants us to do.

So remember:  Keep laughing, keep smiling, keep singing
