Friday, November 11, 2016

What Now?

What Now?

by Gary Saffell
   It will be interesting to see what President Elect Trump does now that we gave him the Power of the Office.  I think we can pray that he follows through on his wish list of things to take care of, because, quite frankly, the is a TON of stuff that needs to be corrected.  We now have the perfect platform to get this country back to it’s Christian roots by the Presidency AND BOTH houses of Congress in the same Party.  Make some adjustments with Senate rules of majority, and we are good to go!  I am a firm believer that God has given this country a second chance.  We need to pay attention and get back on track with taking care of the many blessings He has bestowed on us through the years, and have squandered away the World leadership of providing peace, harmony and good will in the world.  Time will tell.  In the mean time we pray, elect Christian local government officials and see what happens.  No more chances do we have.
Now is the time to push back against the “I’m offended” people (mostly spoiled college brats and the “I’m going to collect a ‘check for my money’ folks, not to mention those that feel they are “entitled” not to work.  Getting the Federal Government out of the States business and quit playing the “you (state) can’t pass that law…[you pick the subject]….or we will cut your federal grants” game.  I think we need to drain the swamp by kicking out all the lobbyists so we can get our elected officials to buy the best product (military, etc.), instead of which company is giving them the best and BIGGEST kickbacks/favors.  Get the Federal Government back to protecting the shores of the United States and helping our FRIENDS [i.e. those who love us] with their challenges IF we can. QUIT funding the countries like Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Iraq, etc. [those that are sending us their warriors under the disguise of “immigrants, for instance]. While we are on this subject, I love Mr. Trump’s open border challenge plan… a wall that cannot be penetrated.  Add more staff to ensure that the border is secure….remember the Rio Grand River?  Then charge the Mexican Government the construction costs.  IF necessary, we can always deduct the cost of the building the wall from the foreign financial assistance we are giving them regularly. Will they be happy about it if it plays out that way?  Probably not, but drastic steps in critical times.
That is just the beginning of the Correction Phase that I see that needs to be done.  However, who am I?  Just one little citizen who really doesn’t make a national impact let alone a local disturbance, nor wants to, but when we were growing up . . . in the Country that had recently come out of the Great Depression, and World War II, our Government was in the “retooling phase, from war equipment to infrastructure/businesses/innovations to create employment of its citizens.  As a result, businesses were starting up, commerce was starting to boom, people were going to schools (colleges, trade schools, etc.) to get educated to be able to provide the “AMERICAN DREAM” for their families.  We (my wife and I) were born toward the end of that cycle.  We the people, DID learn values like honesty, work hard, play hard, provide for your family no matter what it takes, mentality.  Those were good times for quite a lot of the people who took advantage of learning a skill, a “work” mind-set if you will, to grow their families, paying their bills, buying their clothing, purchasing their homes, and the list goes on.  THEN we started accepting less than honorable actions by our citizens.  It started, very slowly, almost not recognizable, at a very slow pace, giving up our values that our parents had given us. Giving up our HONOR….one little concession at a time….not realizing what was happening.  It was indeed a slippery slope.  Things were happening that the average American didn’t understand, but our society was changing, it was being gnawed on from within!  It was a slow deadly resetting of values that many, many people succumbed to without even knowing it!  WE, as a Christian based Nation, had become a silent majority of our Great Country called United States of America! A couple days ago,  I have seen what I feel, have finally been awakened and will not stand for the laxness concept anymore!  We will now have BOTH houses of the Congress AND the President to get us back on track of being the greatest nation in the World.  To be a Christian Nation that helps others when in time of need.  To help our poor get lifted from their lives to provide for their families and regain the PRIDE that they once had.  To refuse to fund those that are able to work but demand to share in the benefits of doing an honest days work.  I just know that most of the folks living on the streets would give anything to be employed.  We need to identify them, give them their pride back, give the training to a level they can provide labor at a starting wage, and an imagination to be able to see that through hard work, increasing their skill level, working their way up the employment chain so they can provide for themselves and their family. THAT is the AMERICAN way.   Starting off at a fast food place, minimum wage (NOT $15 an hour) to learn how business works.  Then  while doing that, get more schooling.  Improve your “value”.  Do what needs to be done to support yourself without depending on “the check”.  Set your goals high.  This is how it used to be!  It was working fine.  People, workers and management alike, were growing businesses and people were happy.  Sometimes, people had several jobs at a time so they could make “ends meet”.  There was nothing shameful about that.  It was a sign to others that YOU are serious about providing for your family.  
Today we have a large sector of our nation that expects things (clothing, food, job, spending money) to be GIVEN to them.  They expect the government to pay for their college fees.  Question: What are a lot of them doing with THAT opportunity?  Answer: Squandering their chance to get educated in useful subjects that will help them to be an ASSET not a LIABILITY to society.  I suppose I shouldn’t be too critical here, as it started in the early 1960’s, which was the end of my “schooling” years.  Was I a part of the ruckus in American Colleges of the 60’s?  No.  Did I do anything or say anything about all the protesters?  Not publicly.  Did I like what I was seeing and hearing on TV with all the college sit-ins, etc?  No.  However, I was busy serving my country so others, not so mature [my opinion] could show such disrespect to what they called “the Establishment”.  Looking back, I think that was the  beginning of what we have evolved into today.  
So now we have what we have, and have to deal with correcting it.  I am pleased that we all have the opportunity to support those that have promised to FIX IT!  Some of the fixes may not be what we thought it should be, but there is a lot to do, and now is the time to get started on it.  Those that stood by knowing and perhaps even supporting the selfishness, the “take all the FREE stuff because I deserve it theology”, have a second chance to get back on track where GOD had gifted us so many years ago, and allowed us to degenerate to what we have today.  It is time to get back to God, thank Him for the opportunity to save our country, and be an example to the world, instead of a laughing stock of the degenerates, that have been gloating over their successes in bring down the Great County of the United States of America from within!   
We have made some mistakes along the way.  There is still a class of individuals that believe that because they have a very large currency base (rich) that they can get away with most everything, and mostly do, but the heart of our country is the folks (individuals, businesses, organizations, that still believe in helping others through their companies, through supporting local organizations that feed, shelter, provide job skill training, and the list goes on groups.  They can only do so much though.  There will always be those that have that mind set of just collecting “the check”, and not contributing anything positive to the community. but we as Christians continue to reach out and do our part in giving hope and putting smiles on their faces.  We have our work cut out for us.  There IS hope.  There is a FUTURE available to everyone who listens to what God is telling them. The here and now is only temporary, but we need to share our faith with others while we ARE here and in the NOW.

Dear reader, please help us to use this time, this second chance that God has given us to bring our Country back to where He intended us to be.  To Honor, Praise and Glorify His Name….forever and ever.   

Peace and happiness to all
