Friday, May 23, 2014


New Breathalizer test . . . . Pass?. . . . . . Fail??

Oh, what joy!

 How Cruel!!!

Have a HAPPY and FUN Saturday!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Did you find your time got up and went?

Sometimes we all need to sit back and take a breather to assess where we are, where we have been and where we want to be.  Don’t you agree with that?  Isn’t it funny (in a strange way) that when we are young, most of us really don’t have a clue of where we want to go, what we want to do, where we want to live, who we want to love, or just get to the next day!  Then when we get to “the age of reflection”, we wonder where the time went!

I understand that most have not reached this stage yet, but when I was younger, I distinctly remember my elders telling me this! ha ha  You’re right...I didn’t believe them then, but sure do now.  But they were an important part of my life and on thinking about it, I guess they did influence me in most of my life decisions.  The reason I say that is because things have turned out pretty darn good because I was born in the right time, the right place, with the right parents.  I am truly thinking it was a God thing! Looking back to some is a painful experience.  For me, it is a reassuring one.  Let me explain.

Seeing other people of my age with basically the same growing up area, social-economic relationships, they have faired pretty well as I have.  Those in different areas of living locations, faired differently.  Some didn’t have the parental guidance that I had.  Some weren’t inspired to get even the average education I got.  I am not a college graduate, and not even attended the normal neighborhood High School where they prepared students for college!  I went downtown to attend a trade school, which I really wanted to do, because my Father was a printing trade craftsman and I wanted to do what he was doing.  A good friend of mine was in the cabinet making department at Minneapolis Vocational High School, and after a successful Marine tour became a self employed skilled carpenter craftsman.  Another friend (in my later years) and his brother were students at Vocational as printing students as I was, only Ron was a year behind me, and his brother Wally was a year ahead, so I didn’t know them until years later.  I’ll share that story in a little bit.   Not everyone is cut out for, or internally designed for, college instruction to prepare for a meaningful career.  Some of us have dabbled in college courses now and then, but we did and do, just fine with the education we received.  Of course, today is somewhat different than the time we grew up in.  There is more technology in today's world.  I am in awe of the knowledge necessary to navigate through today’s complex world.  Even the little I do with my computer is so basic, it makes my sons and daughter laugh (I hope they are laughing instead of crying) when I ask for basic help when I have fouled up my computer.

The point is that I have been so very blessed to have been raised in a family that had faith based values.  We were taught to respect others.  We were instructed on how to ACT in public with what we said to others, including our elders, how we said it, when we said it (or not said it).  That’s what I like about the South.  Most everyone respects our elders by speaking the Ms, Mrs, or Mr. before their name.  Such a little thing, but very important.  RESPECT is a primary part of living a quality life. Sadly some people (both older as well as the youngers) haven’t been or do not wish to display that very important aspect of civilized co-living.  I have run across some folks that are so rudely basic thinkers that what comes in their minds spills out their mouths.  Some of which is really hurtful stuff. It is difficult for me at times to understand how that happens, but it is not my job to try (a useless endeavor) to correct or “adjust” their manners.

Now back to Ron and Wally!  My time with the City of Las Vegas Graphic Arts division was interrupted when Desert Storm came.  As I was in the Army Reserve at the time, I was activated and was sent to Saudi Arabia for an extended tour.  Ron was my replacement because he was number 2 on the hiring list of which I was number one.  So they hired him to take my place while I was gone.  When I returned, they kept Ron on and I was shifted from the bindery dept. to the Camera/platemaking department.  Ron and I became best friends.  We had the same background, lived in the same place (South Minneapolis) graduated from Vocational H.S. and his brother Wally even had the job at the United Way print shop (work program) the year before I got it!  So we were immediately best friends because of our education, location, and parental support likenesses.  Ron and Wally's Dad owned a small neighborhood restaurant and my Dad owned a small neighborhood printshop.  We are still friends to this day and for me he is very much like a brother.  Ron’s background and mine are so much alike that it scares me thinking about it sometimes!  ha ha

It is amazing what life dishes up for us.  I feel so blessed and at the same time so sad when I see others that because of a different mind set, haven’t taken advantage of what the extraordinary gifts that living in the United States of America has for everyone.  When I had the privilege of being a Pastor of a small country church, it hurt my heart to see youth that had parents not an active part of their lives.  Some/most of their parents seemed to not be an important or positive part in their lives.  Some had either one or both of their parents NOT a part of their lives, having to live with Grandma, who couldn’t keep up with what they were doing or not doing.  It is sad.  Here we are in the greatest Country in the world, with the most opportunity to succeed in life, and through ignorance, bad choices in life style, are wasting away instead of prospering with a little bit of effort and positive direction! 

Can we all pray for these children to have their lives changed to the positive influences that seep into their lives and that their circumstances are changed to the good because someone (you?) cared enough to do something about it?  We are a country founded on the basis that we are blessed by GOD. Those that don’t believe that are missing out on so much, but don’t realize it!  SUPER SADNESS! Pray for the kids, then do something . . . anything, to help change their chance to turn to the positive.

Love y’all

Remember, keep singing, keep smiling, keep laughing



Friday, May 2, 2014