Friday, April 26, 2013

How many folks really see what's going on around you?  Are you focused on getting to where you are going to or are thinking about what is going on later, or just drifting in your own "thought pool"?

Pat and I have been doing some traveling westward on Interstate 40 which has a wonderful example of what I thought I would share with you today. There is a collection of history just laying along the freeway that really needs some photographer/writer/researcher to pick up the torch and find out about all the now delapitated and falling apart buildings.  You know . . .  the ones that in their hayday were being used for hotels, gas stations, homes, businesses, etc.  There is a lot of history of where we were and WHO we were that needs picture of the then and now.  What happened, that now shows abandonment?  Pat did a lot of driving this trip and I was seeing a bunch of those things and we talked about it to some extent.  So if you are looking for a project, these places are not just along Hwy 40, but all over our great country.  Feel free to make a dent in visiting our history and sharing it with us.

I am missing writing every day, but when I am on the road, it is more difficult to do than when I am home. We are in Henderson Nevada visiting our youngest child, Todd and his fantastic family.  We will be here for a while enjoying seeing our granddaughters, Shannon and Todd.  Catching up on what's going on, seeing the granddaughter and how grown up they are!  Then there are our friends at First Henderson United Methodist Church.  For you followers of my blog, you remember that is where I developed most of my church skills.  I hope they are still talking to me! ha ha  Another highlight is to visit Doc (Chuck)Williams from Facebook fame . . .  I missed seeing him last visit and will NOT pass up the opportunity this time.  We are fellow seafarers which is quite a forceful bond.  Of course Doc's sea duty encompased more exotic places than I, because of the size of his ships.  Mine were restricted to the larger ports, where he could see what the "real" people were like.  So, when we wear out our welcome here we are off to see our oldest son David to share Mother's Day, his wife Mischell's birthday and youngest daughters High School graduation and Going away party for the Navy...following her Mother, and Grandmother's Navy tradition. When we get back home to Tennessee, we will start prpeparing for our garage sale later on in the summer.  When we moved to Tennessee we moved about a 12 ft. square area of stuff to sell at a yard sale, and now with my physical constraints, I am sure there will be more in tools and stuff that I can't use anymore that will be available for cheap. 

So what is the point?  Major point is: Don't ignore our history. There is a wealth of interesting history out there to give us a clue on the WHO and WHY we, as American's are.  We have a rich history of industrial growth, human invention, overcoming obsticals and challenges.  That, believe it or not, is VERY important.  So pay attention to your family photos, labeling who or what it is, then scan it for your digital records.  I know, pretty high tech stuff huh?

I will try to be as consistant as I can until I get back to my regular routine at home, so please be patient until then. After that, all excuses are off. ha ha ha

Remember, Keep singing, keep laughing, keep smiling.


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