I keep thinking it can't get any better, and then God puts another WOW session in my lap.
Gibson Wells United Methodist Church has been our home church now for some time now, and it started as a wonderful blessing to have been exposed to these folks during a two month period a couple years ago when I filled in for their previous Pastor. When I was assigned a church to Pastor, we chose Gibson Wells as our home church. When I was hospitalized and subsequently had to focus on my health, Pat and I were able to attend Gibson Wells on a regular basis. We chose this church because we loved the people and especially the youth of the church! What a strong spirit they all have, and it could be felt every time we were around them. We were immediately drawn into their activities and their lives. The kids and the young adults . . . well, to be truthful, EVERYONE just loves on us, like we are not used to. There is NEVER a moment before or after church that there is some one or more that comes over to help me with my guitar and equipment to help me carry it to my car. It kind of makes me feel like a rock star! Such love and kindness to both Pat and I.
While I was Pastoring them, I kept my love for music to a minimum, primarily because I was not there to "entertain" but to inspire, motivate and make Disciples for Jesus, through messages and care. That is the way I am. When assigned a church, I try to focus on leading folks to the wonderful life that following Jesus can bring. Now that I am part of the "flock", and my only motivation is to serve Jesus Christ and our church family while doing all I can to assist and support the Pastor, I am free to focus on what I have been gifted to share with others in the form of Music. I am not a professional musician, but love making music that brings people happiness and a closeness to the Love of Jesus that Gospel Music can inspire.
With all that in mind, we had a Community Picnic Sunday evening, and it was FANTASTIC! Having rain in the morning, the prospects of outdoor activities was pretty slim. All we need to do is have FAITH in God, and He will provide. By 4pm the clouds had gone away and the temperature was mild. When we got to church, the hamburgers were being cooked, the games were being set up and the fellowship hall was being prepared. What a great turnout we had! I had been asked to bring my guitar and lead some singing. The kids and younger folks had a wide range of activities like three legged races, tug of war, the littles had some really fun things as well. I was thinking of joining them, but figured they would really show me up too bad, so I passed on that thought.
We sang a couple songs, Sandra and I played our guitars and then "The Girls" came up and performed a wacky and awesome song with audience participation and lots of movement which was a blast to witness. THAT was super fun to watch and be a part of. A song or two was played and sung by those sitting on and around the wooden deck. Pastor Paul Lore sang a beautiful medley of spirit filled songs, with one of the most wonderful Tenor voice I have heard. What a treat that was. We then sang some more songs as the youth played "the games". You see, when a person gets to the age that playing those games becomes dangerous, we tend to sit and sing instead! All is wonderful. I know Pat and I had a wonderful evening with our church family and when the chill started to creep into the bones, it was time to return home with great memories of all the terrific activities that continues to bring us closer and closer as a family of Christians as we walk our lives together.
The following pictures show what fun you missed. Lets not make that mistake again. Come on over and join in when we have one again.
"The Girls" doing their audience participation while they gave the song "Movement" |
Ta Da!
In deep discussion |
Enjoying a great evening with friends. |
Alvin and Linda enjoying and singing along all snug as a bug in a rug. |
Sandra and Linda....ain't they cute? |
The Three legged race is ON! |
Pastor Paul sings! |
Tug of War P U L L!!!!! |
Let the Games Begin! |
Jimmy left holding the top, Robert making a scorching good hamburger and George supervising |
Sandra and I are "dueling guitars" |
Dorothy Lore, Pat Saffell and Sandra Carman visiting. Linda and Larry catch up on things too. |
So it was a great day of playing, singing, sharing, laughing,
and of course what Methodists do best . . . EATING!
Keep singing, keep laughing, keep smiling,
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