Saturday, November 21, 2015

Its a Sad, Sad Day

My dear friends, and readers,

After seeing an article from Minnesota, the State where I grew up, I got to thinking about it and the more I thought, the more I needed to speak up about our Country’s immigration challenges.  The story was about the Somali communities (enclaves perhaps is a better term).  Seems that the new resident’s in our culture of kindness, openness, and generosity, is coming under attack.  The part that got to me what how the recipients of our kindness and genrosithy in trying to help them better, are starting to become ungraiteful and are becoming DEMANDING of the “system” to provide them FREE FOOD that corresponds with their customs!  To the point of almost rioting (the way I interpreted the article).  There was also mention of Somali Taxi Cab drivers refusing to allow seeing eye AND other service dogs to be taken in their taxis. The article went on to discribe more challenges that Minnesota is having to deal with their new residents.  I remember my Grandparents teaching us and the school system teaching us through AMERICAN HISTORY class of the folks from Europe and other places, arriving in NewYourk City, being inprocessed into the greatest country in the world!  How greatful they were and how they got jobs, and melted into our society, assimilating into their new home, learning the customs and traditions of the new culture they had prayerd for.  With all the trouble in the news about our newest residents acting up and out, sneaking in around the system that had been in place for over 200 years, ignoring the customs and traditions of their (however illegal they got here) is an atrocity to those that came before them, and became great employees, great business men and women, eventual teachers and respected leaders in their chosen communities.  But what is happening now is increasing in occurance and volumn!   This has GOT to stop!   It is time that ALL US Citizens rebel against the Somali and all Muslim invaders and get them out of the country….back to where they came from.  America welcomes ALL who desire to live here . . . BUT must become one with us according to our laws, cultures, and customs.  If the poor dears can’t do that and also can’t provide for themselves without welfare payments (which is a form of ransome in this case) then they HAVE TO GO somewhere else.  Because of all this crap about them needing this and needing that and demand that we change our culture to theirs and they have the audacity to expect us — the ones who are providing them food, clothing, a roof over their head for FREE, to give them more?  I think not.  Especially since we have American Veterans not able to get decent housing, food. medical assistance and even a job because of their physical or mental challenges, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to do anything more (other than kick their butts out of our country) for these leeches to our society.  They show no desire to become an AMERICAN.  They show no desire to blend in with the neighborhood.  They only show scorn, disrespect, and evilness to those that they live around.  I got really irritated reading the reason they demanded youth centers to occupy their “gangs” so they wouldn’t get in trouble.  How about sending them to grade school, or Jr. High so they can get an education.  Oh, that’s right.  We don’t teach camel riding, or goat herding.  Send them to an English class, or a trade class so they can earn a living like all US Citizens do to support themselves.  Whatever is done next HAS to be to kick them all back to the sand dunes and caves they came from.

Can you tell I am IRRITATED by the situation?  Really sad is that this is just one of the place these slime balls are gathering.  We need to, we HAVE to . . . remove them from our shores.  All that are not employable, or refuse to assimilate to our culture.  That means employment wise, self supporting, obeying our laws, no areas of restricted access from neighbors or law enforcement, no Sharia law accepted, and the list goes on.  In other words become United States Americans and give up their former country’s customs that are not compatible with ours. If they have a job as a cab driver and a passenger with a seeing eye or service dog needs a ride, and that offends the Muslim driver, then he is fired and deported!  Right on the spot.

What has been happening in Dearborn Michigan over the past quite a few years with the enclave of Muslims there is an indication of what our country will become if enough are allowed to be in our population.  When the percentages are sufficient, they will be the voting majority and our culture, our country, our right to Worship, will be no longer.  We cannot allow that to happen. Yes, it is very scary, maddening, and tremendously sad.  If we allow this to continue there will be no United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It will become a cesspool like the crappy places that they came from.  They are demented, sadistic, repulsive, and most importantly UNGODLY.

We were founded on the principle of FREEDOM.  Free speech, free to worship, free to speak your mind, write your thoughts.  Free to choose your vocation, free to go to college and pay your way…through scholarships, working your way through, etc., support your family financially within your means to provide a roof over you and your family’s head and food on your table, help the poor, shop the stores where you choose, raise a family (and support it yourself).  The majority of the process is financed through your endeavors, but in down times it is understood there is assistance available to you the tax payer to assist you and your family through the tough time, until you are able to be employed once again. Nowhere should the government be expected to be your survival ace in the hole because you are lazy, but there to help you through the tough time in short duration.  Welfare is not a job description.

Perhaps I am an idealist. I cannot remember a time where I was unemployed and didn’t have the financial support of my family to help me through. When we moved out to Vegas from Minneapolis, I was out of work for six weeks.  We were living with Pat’s folks, but we contributed to the food source, and I was at the employment office every week day only because the office was closed on Saturday and Sunday.  I applied for a janitor job, a car rental van driver, and a bunch of other places that  I felt I could do.  It didn’t matter what it was, if I was earning a living, I was fulfilling my obligation and could hold my head up high.  I ended up getting a job from a transportation contractor who just got the contract for a new “trolley bus” system in Downtown Las Vegas, that led to being employed by CLV when they stopped the contract and took over the bus thing.  After a while an opening came up in the CLV Printshop…of course I got it and that’s where I retired from after 18 years, at the age of 60.  That was nine years ago!  That six weeks was the longest I was ever unemployed.  Which was caused by my moving to Vegas.  So I have a strong background of providing for my family and take that seriously.  For the life of me, I can’t understand why there are people that refuse to take responsibility for themselves and those they are married to to provide a home, food, and a way to get around, even if it is a bus. 

The United States of America was founded on those freedoms.  People have fought and some have died to defend those freedoms. We have welcomed millions of people through the years to our shores to take advantage of our freedoms.  Sadly to say, there are invaders among us that are planning to undo what over 200 years millions of men and women have provided blood, sweat, and tears to build it into the greatest Country the world has ever known.  Today what I see is the eroding of all that effort because of uneducated, uninformed, selfish, ignorant, uncaring, uninformed  people that are not paying attention to the danger that is about to come tumbling down around our shoulders. My grandfathers, father, uncles have all helped build what we have today.  They raised us to respect, to get educated in whatever we liked, not necessarily a college degree, but a trade….whatever would make us a part of the building, not a part of the tearing down.  They raised us to understand how great America is, as a leader in innovation, medical research, electronics, etc.  We were the leaders of the earth.  We helped (and still do) other countries in need, from disasters, both natural and man made.  We, as a country had earned the respect of all peaceful nations and even our enemies, because we were benevolent as well as strong to be an influence in affecting peace.  We are losing ground and that is not good.  I shed tears for the country that was once great.  Where its people were proud. Where its people were loving and respectable.  Where its people were giving, sharing citizens.  Where neighborhoods had children playing in the parks, women pushing strollers along the sidewalks and men walking in opposite direction tipping their hat to the lady with a “Good day miss.”  When you could go to the movies and not worry about a crazed gunman ruining your evening with your loved one.  Or going to a high school football game and watching the coach and his team gather at the 50 yard line and say a prayer before or after the game, and no one was offended.  I miss the America where people treated each other with respect and honor.  No crude and foul language spoken.  Where you didn’t have to worry about your children seeing inappropriate things on the computer, magazines, or TV.  There were barriers that were in place to prevent those things from our children.  Where they could go to school and not be afraid of bullies, having to endure classroom fights, abusive language from other kids and nothing being done about it.  Fear of physical abuse is a common fear today.

I miss the days of Jimmy Stewart, Debbie Reynolds movies.  I can remember the first time Color TV’s were on the market.  What an awesome invention.  There were a lot of advancements in communication, kitchen appliances, electrical products, and now with all the electronic devices, it is a sure sign that AMERICA is indeed a leader in the world…..but it is degrading as I write.  It is time to stop this nonsense of “being offended” . . . of not being willing to become a WHOLE AMERICAN and enjoy the freedoms that we have been given by others.  Come to America . . . assimilate into our culture . . . enjoy the abilities you have as an AMERICAN.  Be self sufficient.  Remember your heritage but become an AMERICAN, and be a productive member of society that honors different traditions, different cultures.  But as AMERICANS…  United States Citizens, we may do things a little different here.  We allow our citizens to WORSHIP if they wish to.  We even allow them NOT to WORSHIP if they wish to.  But, we do not insist or demand others to change their life style (or Spiritual styles) as it appears radical Islam dictates.  THAT Is not allowed.  We as a country have designed and developed our culture that requires laws that are followed by our population.  Our Laws protect our citizens from harm.  Our Laws protect our citizens from enslavement.  Our Laws also allow our citizens to get along with each other in love and peace, without the threat of violence, or seclusiveness such as excluding law enforcement or the ability of protection.  We are a country of many cultures. A melting pot if you wish.  Within our laws, as I understand them, is the overall purpose to protect our citizens.  Our country has been going along fine for over 200 years. Although not without some challenges, and it seems we are still working on some lingering challenges because of some individuals that insist on stirring the racial pot.  But we will get through these issues as well. 

Our history is pretty colorful and rich in heritage of many cultures.  But the part that seems to come out on top ALL the time is this:  FREEDOM

Along with freedom comes responsibilities. Do no harm to others is what I consider at the top of that list.  If we as AMERICAN citizens can keep that in mind when dealing with our citizens (which I think we have mostly done) we will continue to thrive.  IF through selfishness, laziness, weakness, stupidity, or lack of caring, we FAIL to be a loving, caring, people that have let down all those that have gone before us. It was those that were here before us that have built this nation to the greatness it has become.  Reign in the selfishness, become aware of your surroundings, forget about being “offended” at everything. Learn American History.  See about brushing up on what it takes to be a naturalized citizen.  Those folks study hard, and I would be willing to bet, they know more about our history than you do.  Exactly what does the Constitution say?  What are the Amendments…or for that matter, WHAT are amendments?  Most kids that went to school, at least those of my age or my children’s age, had to learn that kind of thing.  What about our War of Independence.  From whom were we at war with, and did we win that war?  How about more understanding more of our American History?  Naturalized Citizens can tell you about that time period as well.  Who was the first person in SPACE and from what country?  Who won the Second World War?  Who lost?  I wonder how many invaders even care? It’s a very sad day.

Enough said for now,

So Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep singing,



Thursday, August 27, 2015

Common Sense . . . a lost trait

Today is the day that I have chosen to get some "stuff" off my chest. It has been getting worse and worse and more intense and I need to share my thoughts before I implode! I am thinking that I am not the only person in our Great Country of the United States of America that has these thoughts.  If I am, then we are in more trouble than even I realize.

It has been creeping up on us a little bit at a time, similar to a pot of frogs in water, with the water very slowly getting the temperature gently increased until it is too late to do anything about and they are all cooked!

Recently several things have come to my attention and I am starting to realize that we are getting the heat turned up and very few if any are feeling it!  I am referring to our rights that have been guaranteed by our Constitution.  For example, just recently a federal judge Carlton Reeves, had ordered the marching band of Brandon High School in Mississippi to remove the old standard hymn "How Great Thou Art from its half-time show.  Much to everyone's surprise, the spectators started singing it a cappella and everyone enjoyed it.

We have become a nation without a national pride focus.  We used to have it, but now, because of very poor leadership (using that term very loosely) in both the federal and state government, we have become a nation of whiners!  We have become a nation that looks for the Federal Government to support us.  Instead, the government has decided to take over the planning our OWN lives by mandating what will be taught in the school systems (I'll get to that in a minute).  We have a very large number that are not raising a family that is self supporting, We have a Federal government now that is out of control of it's ability to monitor the uncountable number of programs that were originally designed to help those that are absolutely incapable of taking care of themselves through mental or physical challenges.  That is NOT supposed to be a federal function.  They are NOT authorized (except for their own self rules) to be doing that.  Remember the title of our Country?  There is that word STATES in it.  It is the Individual States responsibility to provide (if voted on by the people) to provide the assistance that the People of the particular State decide. Our education system has run amok!  There are many challenges that have developed in educating our children on who we as a country are, how we were founded, who we are, what our value system is, how to get along with each other, how to develop PRIDE in our selves, and the list goes on.  But it is craziness that has filtered down by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to teach a certain way, certain subjects, etc. that is not right.  For example:  Common Core.  I know of no parent that likes it.  I have not heard a positive comment on Common Core subjects from NO ONE except a handful of politicians.  When we allow the government to take the responsibility of education away from the lowest level of education, and are able to force stupidity, irresponsibility, and foolishness to be "taught" to our children, our children are on the loosing end of the stick!  They are not learning our history as a country.  They are not learning how to get along with others, because it is being forced on them to accept values that are not of our heritage.  They are not of Christian values that are at the center of what our Great Country has been built upon!  It is a value system that protects each other from harmful physical and mental abuse. I am reading of more and more instances of people being tormented by others in our schools from both fellow students AND management, professors, that are demanding, yes demanding  that the students think like the instructor, and agree with the instructor or are ridiculed and are failed in the class. I am referring to higher education and the far liberal leaning instructors, we have all seen instances on the news, of the harassment of students who's value system will not allow them to conform to outrageous subjects/assignments.

Our education system broken, except for the many instructors that are trying to keep the standard high and the students well trained in the basics of self thinking, high community values, how to treat each other, how to be self supporting, i.e. learning a skill and supporting subjects that will allow the student to eventually support him/her self. We need to support their efforts with the proper funds to buy books (each student gets a book per subject) no more sharing one book per classroom! This is my biggest challenge right now.  I found out that kids in Jr. High School do not have the proper books to do their studies with!  IF you can't take "the" (one and only book in the class room) home to do homework, what kind of quality is the instruction!  Horrible is a word that comes to mind.  Common core is bugging most of the teachers (whom a lot of them can't understand it either). With a long and not understandable style of maneuvering to get the right answers which defies all common sense reasoning and the answer is so easy to chart out the "old" way, why insist on the New Way?  I'll tell you.  Because somewhere, someone of "influence" and power is getting a fat wallet/bank account for approving it!  

Enough for now.  If you can come up with any logical answers and a path to regain sanity, we can talk about it and see if there are any honest government officials left that can make it happen.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day and what she taught me

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Got to talking on the way home from Dinner at the Majestic today and wife Pat and I got to discussing our upbringing values that we learned and were taught mostly by "Mom".

Self respect was a big one and we have talked about before. Depend on others to a minimum and exercise your abilities to the maximum.  Being brought up in a home where Mom ruled the roost, and was our major instructor on day to day issues and the difference between right and wrong.  For instance: Don't use bad words, it only irritates those you are trying to communicate with.  Be nice to others because that is how you want to be treated.  Do what you are supposed to be doing, and do what you say you are going to do, and when it is done, make sure you clean up your mess.  Here's a great one that most young people are probably not even aware of.  When walking with a girl, the guy walks on the street side of the girl.  If books or bags are in the mix, the boy offers to carry them for her.  I had thought that most Mom's taught those things to us kids.  I have told the story of the girl that lived on the block behind our house and every school day she would pass along the street toward school.  I got where I timed myself to join up with her and walk to school with her the rest of the way.  When school was out, we would meet up and I would walk her back to where I lived and she continued to her home.  It was one of those "shy and awkward" stages, but I enjoyed her company and our daily visit.  One day when I got home and up to my room, there was a note on my dresser.  It said something like this: "When a gentleman is walking with a lady, he walks on the street side of her."  Point well taken, now that I knew that, so from then on, I walked on the street side of her in our walks to and from school.

Along with Mom, there was Dad teaching me "fact of life stuff" on how people should be treated, how we as children are responsible for our actions and how to think ahead to when school is completed and how we prepare for living and sustaining ourselves in society.  I think I was probably 16 when I got my first outside of the family job as a bag boy at Houston's SuperValu store on 42nd Ave and (I think it was) 39th Street in South Minneapolis.  I rode my bicycle to work on Saturdays.  I only worked on Saturdays.  Primarily, I carried the groceries out to the customers car.  Don't remember anything about tips so think I wasn't to accept them. It was usually a long day, but I survived.  I had a JOB!  $8.00 a day minus tax.  I felt I was in hog heaven.  This was around 1962 or 3.  I had a less than that after withholding tax and all.  But I was on my way to the innards of "The Workforce".....ta da  I also worked for my Dad in his printing business.  I learned discipline also.  Looking back on my life, I see it didn't really matter what it was I was doing as far as a job goes, I just did it because it provided me with spending money, and later in life a means to support my wife and family.

How did that happen?  I felt I wasn't a College person, because I had a hard time with Mathematics, and didn't think my success rate would soar if I decided to go that route.  My Dad had told me stories of his life in the Navy during WWII and the places he was able to see because of his profession.  He was a Navy Quartermaster which is the guys that shoot the stars, keeping track of navigation and doing those Navy things we were seeing in the movies.  It sounded like something I would enjoy, so Dad signed permission for me when I turned 17 and I became a US Navy Reservist YAY!  It was a great start and even our very short BOOT CAMP was interesting.  That was between my Jr. and Sr. year at Vocational H.S. and Technical School.  Of course I was in the Printing Classes and things were good. After finishing up High School with a emphasis in Graphic Arts (we called it PRINTING in those days), I went off to Active Naval Duty.  Spent a couple years on an Air Craft Carrier and a shore duty slot working in my trade, and got promoted eventually to 2nd Class Petty Officer as a Lithographer.   Along the way, I had fallen in love and married the lady I am still married to.  That was 48 years ago.  So now that I had responsibilities, I decided that my Navy Reserve Unit looked pretty good back home while I worked (civilian wise) for my Dad at his print shop.  During this time, I decided two jobs weren't enough so hired on with a security outfit, driving a car from place to place and punching a clock letting the the customer know someone was there checking on their business.  As things would have it, I decided to move to Las Vegas Nevada close to where my wife had grown up.  So leaving Minneapolis and heading to the desert was a new and exciting time in our lives.  I started working in a print shop within the first week that we got there.  That lasted a short time before a Printers Union issue cropped up and all of a sudden I was out of a job.  Since I had already affiliated with a Navy reserve Unit, I went to them to see what was available back on Active Duty.  Nothing at that time, since now I was a 1st Class Petty Officer (E6) and it always gets tighter as you progress toward the top.  I went to a local print shop that was advertising an opening, and interviewed.  I was hired on the spot and started working the next day.  Sadly it paid $2 less an hour that I was getting from the "other" shop, but it was still putting food on the table and a roof over our heard.  Luckily, a few weeks later, that Navy called telling me an opening became available and I needed to get it while it was.

We sold our house and off we went to San Diego California.  Spent two tours of Viet Nam via Yankee Station as I was the Print Shop Supervisor on the USS Bon Homme Richard CVA31.  During the second cruise I had decided not to re-enlist but to come home and continue civilian life as a Naval Reservist as a secondary occupation.  Returning to Minneapolis, I restarted at my Dad's shop.  Along the way, I was offered to manage an Aquarium store in a northern suburb of Minneapolis.  Pat and I accepted the offer and started yet another job skill.  New the hobby of Aquarium Keeping, it was exciting to be both a hobbies, store manager, and employer as we had two part timers helping off and on.  Pat took care of the paperwork and hard goods, I took care of the customers and the fish.  We had no rodents, snakes or other pets....pure aquariums, equipment and fish.

While all this was going on, I had to leave the Navy as a Lithographer Chief Petty Officer, because of a manpower drawdown, so went over to the ARMY and started a new career as a Personnel Sgt.  I started liking the Army Reserve and it was exciting to learn a new career field.  I eventually ended up in the Personnel Section of HQ, 88th USARCOM which is a major command lead by a Major General.  There were several different opportunities made available to me while there.  My main responsibility was looking after the Officer Annual Evaluation Reports.  Through nothing wrong that I did, a computer programmer was assigned shortly after we took over a brand new facility with a new computer system, etc.  We brought the delinquency rate down from 22% to 2% in several months, because of our new developed tracking system.  I was asked by the HQ First Sergeant if I would take on an additional task as Training NCO for our enlisted personnel.  Always willing to take on more, I accepted.  What a joy that was to have an open book to design common task training for the enlisted soldiers which up that point was being very poorly attended and most hidden event of the drill weekend.  After assigning instructors and training them during the month, it became the most fun thing the soldiers got to do!  Camouflage was a real winner when we  took them out into a neighboring "wild growth" area to hide themselves with straw grass and twigs, etc.  The morale soured sky high. I could go on and on with this one, but won't.

After the owners of the Aquarium store sold it, we were off on another adventure.  There was a shoe store in the shopping center the Aquarium store was in.  I went down there and asked if he had any positions open.  He said he had an Asst. Manager spot open in one of his FIVE stores.  I took it.  Not knowing how to sell shoes, but through observation, and in spite of the manager trying to keep me in the back room from showing him and his wife off in sales, the six months I was there (1/2 month at the beginning  and 1/2 month with five full months in between), I was the top salesman in his whole five store chain.  Unfortunately I wasn't making enough money to pay our bills.  Owner John knew he lost a terrific resource but I needed to move on.

I learned that the Mass Transit Bus Company (MTC) was looking to hire bus drivers, so applied for a driver position.  Got the job, lasted there 12 years, enjoying it to the max.  Loved the people (except once) and loved the town.   The once was my last night on the worst line of the system, which went through a very rough and dangerous part of St. Paul.  Short Story:  I was out of work for a month healing because six or seven punks didn't like me telling them they couldn't smoke on the bus.  Well, it upset my stomach!  Had a major readjustment to my wire rimmed glasses to my new and puffy face the next day.

We moved again to Nevada and after about six weeks of daily visits to the Employment office, I got hired on with a contract company who provided a trolley looking mini bus to drive a circuit around downtown Vegas.  This was before the canopy came up and Fremont Street was closed to vehicular traffic.  That was a fun job and I was able to work my way rapidly into one of the two Sr. Operator slots.  After a while the trolly busses were integrated into the City itself.  At that time I applied and was given a spot to continue with the trollies.  Soon after that, a position opened in the Graphic Department of the City of Las Vegas so I applied for that.  Getting hired was the best thing that happened to me!  I started as a Bindery Worker, doing paper cutting, machine folding, padding, and a bunch of other processes.  It wasn't very long though and the Army Reserve Unit I belonged to  was called to Active Duty because of Desert Storm.

I had become the Section First Sergeant (the rest of the unit was in Southern California...Ventura area)  Lots of stories to be told here, but the short is that all my Doctors, Nurses and Medical Techs were activated.  The non-medical soldiers were left home.  The month my soldiers were returning, one of the Finance NCO's and myself received orders to Daharan, Saudi Arabia.  Being assigned to the Communication Staff (G6) of LTG Pagonis was exciting as I, again, was working outside my specialty.  I was technically the Message Center Supervisor, but spent most of my time in the Logistical Operations Center (LOC).  Patriot Missile system are dependent on Satellite communication. That fell under our prevue.  One night the system went down.  I was told to call the States and let them know.  After a frazzled conversation with a Major on the stateside end, he finally understood what the challenge was, although he was having a challenge between the messenger (me) and the reason for the message!  Since we both survived that phone call, I am guessing it turned out ok.  One other major event that involved me and the chain of command was when I was tasked with getting a young Private packed and ready for the flight home in the morning.  It involved retrieving her from the "Culture" center (Muslim indoctrination tent outside US part of the air base) and getting her prepared for her morning flight home.  One of the local's took offense of my getting my soldier back under our protective arm and chose to try to distract me from my mission.  After making sure she was in my vehicle with a female NCO, I had to almost forcibly extract myself from his verbal harassment.  Another Short version:  Next morning at the General's briefing, my name was brought up in a derogatory manner.  Seems the Saudi and our Chaplain, were friends.  My Col. spoke up and said I was following His orders.  General approved and the meeting went on.  She made the flight in the morning to the States, and I am assuming is home safe.

When I returned home after 8 month tour, I was transferred to an Army Reserve School in Bell, CA. I was also informed I had been promoted four months earlier!  Now an Army Master Sergeant I was a very happy soldier.  Being assigned to an Army School, provided another chance at a new part of Army knowledge.  Ends up, after a training period, I am a qualified Army Instructor which brings with it a Designator "H".   But when I returned home I returned with some physical challenges that were taken care of with VA's help, and my personal civilian doctor's advice.  It was about a year after that I decided it was time for me to retire from the service as I had 30 + total years and had done so much more than I could have imagined.

It was also time that I had reached 60 years old and was qualified to retire from the City of Las Vegas of which I was having a blast working with.  The City had created a new position called Graphic Services Tech. and I applied, beat out over 100 other applicants and got the job.  I was the interlink between the Division Chiefs, the City Council and the Mayor to insure they got the best price for their projects and printing needs.   I got so much enjoyment and satisfaction being able to help these folks with their projects.  My last day with the City was a very humbling day.  My wife said there were over 200 people who came to see me and wish me well in retirement.  It was indeed a great job, and I still look back on all the friends I had acquired while serving the City.

The point to this HISTORY of Gary lesson is this:  I am just a regular guy....with a Mom that loved me so much she made sure I knew the rules of civility and how to treat people.  I have only a Trade School diploma, and some Military School completions.  I was never one to say: "I can't do that".   Skydiving....maybe.  On counting what I have done in the areas of Jobs, I figure I have 16 different and distinct job skill areas that I have accomplished because I did not say: "I can't do that".  I went ahead and figured it out and got it done.  As far as surviving and raising a family, taking care of others, etc., there was never an issue of providing a home, clothes and food for those that I am/was responsible for.  Even when I was "let go", I sought out a job, nailed it and continued to march.  I can't remember taking a welfare check, although when we had special needs children under our wing for about 9 years, there was a stipend and when that went away, we realized how much of our own finances were going into the system.  That was ok....we didn't do that for gain....we did it because children need a safe and comforting environment to live, develop and flourish in the best we can do.  I have been blessed with a fantastic wife and children that have been our base team, whether they realized it at the time or not.  There was always food on the table, light in each room, heat in the winter and cool in the summer and clothes on their backs.  Not realizing it at the time, and not regretting it now, I spent a lot of time away from my home, earning a living, building several careers, and quite honestly, having fun doing it.  But it was with the focus on providing for my family, not relying on a system like we have today that there are so many that are doing bad things to cheat the system of the "INTENT" of the assistance.  They are cheating the system when they are not honest about their predicament. Drugs, lavish that surfer dude we see on TV with the fancy expensive meat.  The system "may" allow that, but reason and common sense shows that as CHEATING.  We need a major....ground up....overhaul of the system which includes the clerks that are taking a paycheck and allowing abuse to happen right in front of them.  We need to help the children that need the help, and cut out the parents that are using the money for drugs and other "non-children" items.  We need to overhaul the rules.  Abuse of the intent/purpose of the "card" and they loose the use of the card.  Failure to show up for a job interview, they loose their "card".  Buying "luxury items", they loose the "card".  I have experienced families on welfare, living with Grandma or Mom, with their three or four children, still doing drugs, not contributing to neither the food in the house or the rent to live there.  Grandma is stressed, but it doesn't them.  The kids are in so much danger of continuing the cycle their (hate to use the term) "parents" are on.

So you see where I am going with this issue.  We HAVE to straighten this problem out!  Our educational system has gone to hell in a hand basket. Our welfare system has become a worse problem than when it was started.  Our Nation is on a downward spiral that is suspect of not being able to correct itself.  There is really only one thing that can get us back to the Greatest Country in the World in all time....the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, that is get GOD back into our lives.  That means throw out all this racist talk...which it isn't.  That means allow Christians and Christian values to be expressed freely...again.  As Christians, we do NOT force our beliefs on anyone.  We share our beliefs and if you choose, you can accept or reject the offer.  Nobody is forcing anything.  We are not crazy or insane people.  All we are doing is what Jesus Christ has commissioned us to do:  Make disciples for Jesus Christ.  We are tasked to share Jesus with whoever will listen.  There is no threat of death, decapitation, fiery confinement, or whatever else is happening according to the news feeds of today.  If someone is afraid of what followers of Christ are saying, that is easily remedied by sharing our plain spoken, no hidden messages in the Book we use, that we feel is God Breathed, called the BIBLE.  It does take the word FAITH into account in order to understand. FAITH is the belief in something in complete trust or confidence in what the BIBLE says.  It is indeed a book of wonder, and for those that choose to elevate their belief quotient to accept the message, a peace that passes all understanding will change their lives from disbelief and distrust, into a life of better existence with each other until there is no more.  Showing you that everyone can have a peaceful life if they cut out the cheating, beating, self abuse, ugliness, hate, corruption, meanness, lying, and all those "can't do" attitudes, is something to grow toward.  Don't think it will be something done overnight, but a continual "work toward" to accomplish it IS possible.

If you need help, visit your local Christian church.  It doesn't matter what denomination it is, they are only paper labels anyway.  Find a church that preaches the Bible.  There are televangelists that love to sucker you in with those "Feel good" messages, with a lot a noise and shouting, so be careful.

Keep smiling, keep singing, keep laughing

God Bless,

Monday, February 23, 2015

Music is the Language of your Soul

It's been  a bit of time since we last had a visit so I think it's about time I got back to sharing thoughts and stuff for those of you who have decided to join me on the journey we call life.  

With this cold spell over most of the country, it has been largely a "Stay indoors" kind of an event for us older folks that are not required to be anywhere in particular . . . like to a JOB.  This has been a remarkably pleasant time of reflection on where we have been, what we are doing presently, how we are nurturing our relationships, and future planning of what we would like to do.  As I see it, most folks are so busy just plain "doing", that they are missing a whole lot of joy by ignoring the other things!  That's where us older folks excel!  We, by nature I think, have a knack of what is called "reminiscing".  If you haven't gotten to that stage yet, HOLD ON!  You will really enjoy it.

What has been going on in Gary's World?  It has mostly been around FAMILY and MUSIC.  With two of our three children's families living within minutes of our home, we have been very blessed with the family physical support that a lot of older parents seem to need from time to time.  Independence IS very important, but knowing that you can pull your flip phone out of your pocket and get one of the kids on the phone for help is very reassuring.  

Our Ice Storm here in Rutherford area has been a bummer in a lot of ways.  Having grown up in Minnesota, snow and cold was, and is, a way of life that most folks adapt to without much thinking about.  I know as a kid, I didn't give it much thought because that was all I knew.  Now that I am older and have lived in over 15 different locations and seen quite a lot of the world as a whole, I know different and have chosen to prefer to live where it is not as chilly, for as long a period of time. Any time you live where there are only TWO SEASONS (skiing, and not-so-good-skiing) is pretty restrictive on things like outdoor BBQ's and such.  But now back to the Ice Storms of Rutherford TN.  It seems around here that there is a lot of back country, two lane, highly capped, deep drainage ditched, roads that become un-drivable quickly when it gets cold and rain/snowy.  That's what happened here.  The "four-lane" was cleared pretty quickly, but the town streets and other feeder roads took (and are still taking) quite a long time to become drivable without sliding into the ditches.  Now us retired folk really didn't have to worry too much, provided our food stock was up, our heat was on, and our plumbing was good.  We did A-OK on all those, so we did well.  I am sure there were others that faired not as well, and for those, I sincerely wish them well. We were basically homebound for only four days last week and that gave us time to get to the things we were holding back on because there was nothing else getting in the way!  YAY!   However, yesterday's Church was cancelled because of the ice and accessibility to the parking lots and entrances being too dangerous.  A week without starting out in the House of God throws our week W A Y   OFF.  We will continue to adapt, re-adjust and overcome.

Some time ago, at our local (Trenton, TN) music store (Country Roads Music), that I have rapidly grown to love, I stopped in, and off the top of my head, asked:  "Do you have any Dobro guitars?"  Wouldn't you know the owner Vanessa said: "Yes, right behind you we have one." (or something like that.)  There is was...pretty as a could be.  I have seen one before, but not this AWESOME!  It is shiny and red, and are some pictures of it.
This is the beauty!  
This is the string/fret distance (more on that later)
This is the head...."Spencer" is the brand.
The metal piece on the body gives it the "resonator" sound

 Dobro, I understand, is a trademark name of the "Resonator" style guitar of Gibson Guitar Company. So we will try to use Resonator so we don't disrespect their trademark.   This is played either sitting with it on your lap or standing with your strap situated to holding the guitar parallel to the floor at roughly your waist line.  (like a shelf)  As you can see, with the strings so far from the frets (the metal strips running across the face of the "fretboard", it is played with a metal (chrome steel) bar that you place appropriately in your left hand while picking the (hopefully) correct strings with your right hand that has a thumb pick and three "finger" picks.

The sound is what makes this beautiful instrument so unique when played properly.  I'm just starting out, so I have a ways to go to get to THAT goal.  It has a deep throaty lower notes as well as crisp, clear (again IF played properly) high notes.  It is a great solo break, fill-in instrument.  Best played with other bluegrass or for that matter most any other stringed or keyboard instruments.

So back to the story.  I bought it, and brought it home!  It has been here quite some time now, and it is time that I learned how to play it!  THAT is my goal and I WILL prevail!

For the last year +, I have been teaching a group of folks at church how to play the six string guitar.  They have been very loyal and faithful students, and I have loved every minute of our time together.  Watching them grow in their love of music is AMAZING!  As with any endeavor like this, there are those that "think" they want to play an instrument and then when reality sets in, discover that it is not perhaps what they really desired.  That is ok.  I have nothing but praise for them to have discovered what they would rather NOT be doing so they don't waste their time being miserable doing something they don't like!  Makes sense huh?  The students that I have have survived the pain of sore fingers, and cramped hands!  They have been through the fire of pain!  They are now "guitarists".  We are all at different levels of that title, but have a bonding kinship that surpasses just casual friends.  We are part of something good and decent.

Watching these folks discover new chords, summing methods, how to tune their guitars, the glow on their faces when they master the "F" chord, when they had been grousing about not being able to do so, it so very comforting to me.  I remember when we started and I was showing them the full, four finger "C" chord that I wanted them to use.  The comments of "can't do it", "won't fit there", and "can't get my fingers to do that", were heard for a few weeks, then all of a sudden, WALAA!!!  I was hearing full C chords being played.  What a moral booster that revelation was to them.  So we continue to proceed toward more difficult but wonderful "music stuff".  I have learned that they are just like me . . . what I thought was impossible really isn' just takes a while to master whatever it is you are trying to do.  THAT is what I see in my new instrument project of mine to master.

Along the way, I have been introducing gospel music and other music they have asked to learn how to play.  We have even been doing a regular "gig" at one of our church's Last Saturday of the Month Pot Luck Dinner, Domino game, and Sing-along.  We are up to 94 songs that we have either learned, or a in the process of learning.  We have a few Elvis songs, a Dotty Rambo song or two, Ray Charles, some country, and other wide ranging genre like "Sentimental Journey" and some of my favorite Folk Songs.  What fun we have!  Each time we sing and play a selection of 16 songs that the attendees sing along with us, and have a great evening of music and food and friendship.

My point of this Posting I guess would be this:  If you have wanted to do something new and have never gotten around to it . . . put some of your "stuff" aside and DO IT!  Life has been given to you.  It is a Gift of God that has given you talent and skill potential.  It is our part to use what gifts we have. To develop them and hone them to give others the pleasure of listening to what we share, or seeing what we have to share, or feeling the warmth and comfort of what we bring to them, in the form of something we have made, cooked, written . . . or who knows what YOUR gifts are.   I have found music to be a big part of my life.  I also feel that canvas painting is another aspect of God's blessing to me.  For right now, I am excited to go another step forward and learn how to play a new style of instrument (resonator guitar, remember? . . . see above) and bring joy to both my listeners and myself.

Enough said.

So Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep singing


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Random thought of Blessings

Sometimes we all need to sit back and take a breather to assess where we are, where we have been and where we want to be.  Don't you agree with that?  Isn't it funny (in a strange way) that when we are young, most of us really don't have a clue of where we want to go, do, live, love, or just get to the next day!  Then when we get to "the age of reflection", we wonder where the time went!

I understand that most have not reached this stage yet, but when I was younger, I distinctly remember my elders telling me this! ha ha  You're right, I didn't believe them then, but sure do now.  But they were an important part of my life and on thinking about it, I guess they did influence me in most of my life decisions.  The reason I say that is because things have turned out pretty darn good because I was born in the right time, the right place, with the right parents.  I am truly thinking it was a God thing! Looking back to some is a painful experience.  For me, it is a reassuring one.  Let me explain.

Seeing other people of my age with basically the same growing up area, social-economic relationships, they have faired pretty well as I have.  Those in different areas of living locations, faired differently.  Some didn't have the parental guidance that I had.  Some weren't inspired to get even the average education I got.  I am not a college graduate, and not even attended the normal neighborhood High School where they prepared students for college!  I went downtown to attend a trade school, which I really wanted to do, because my Father was a printing trade craftsman and I wanted to do what he was doing.  A good friend of mine was in the cabinet making department at Minneapolis Vocational High School, and after a successful Marine tour became a self employed skilled carpenter craftsman.  Another friend (in my later years) and his brother were students at Vocational as printing students as I was, only Ron was a year behind me, and his brother Wally was a year ahead, so I didn't know them until years later.  I'll share that story in a little bit.   Not everyone is cut out for or internally designed for college instruction to prepare for a meaningful career.  Some of us have dabbled in college courses now and then, but we did and do, just fine with the education we received.  Of course, today is somewhat different than the time we grew up in.  There is more technology in todays world.  I am in awe of the knowledge necessary to navigate through today's complex world.  Even the little I do with my computer is so basic, it makes my sons and daughter laugh (I hope they are laughing instead of crying) when I ask for basic help when I have fouled up my computer.

The point is that I have been so very blessed to have been raised in a family that had faith based values.  We were taught to respect others.  We were instructed on how to ACT in public with what we said to others, including our elders, how we said it, when we said it (or not said it).  That's what I like about the South.  Most everyone respects our elders by calling the Ms, Mrs, or Mr. before their name.  Such a little thing, but very important.  RESPECT is a primary part of living a quality life. Sadly some people (both older as well as the youngers) haven't been or do not wish to display that very important aspect of civilized co-living.  I have run across some folks that are so rudely basic thinkers that what comes in their minds spills out their mouths.  Some of which is really hurtful stuff. It is difficult for me at times to understand how that happens, but it is not my job to try (a useless endeavor) to correct or "adjust" their manners.

Now back to Ron and Wally!  My time with the City of Las Vegas Graphic Arts division was interrupted when Desert Storm came.  As I was in the Army Reserve at the time, I was activated and was sent to Saudi Arabia for an extended tour.  Ron was my replacement because he was number 2 on the hiring list of which I was number one.  So they hired him to take my place while I was gone.  When I returned, they kept Ron on and I was shifted from the bindery dept. to the Camera/platemaking department.  Ron and I became best friends.  We had the same background, lived in the same place (South Minneapolis) graduated from Vocational H.S. and his brother Wally even had the job at the United Way print shop that right before I got it!  So we were immediately best friends because of our education, location, and parental support likenesses.  His Dad owned a small neighborhood restaurant and my Dad owned a small neighborhood printshop.  We are still friends to this day and for me he is very much like a brother.  Ron's background and mine are so much alike that it scares me thinking about sometimes!  ha ha

It is amazing what life dishes up for us.  I feel so blessed and at the same time so sad when I see others that because of a different mind set, haven't taken advantage of what the extraordinary gifts that living in the United States of America has for everyone.  When I had the privilege of being a Pastor of a small country church, it hurt my heart to see youth that had parents not an active part of their lives.  Some/most of their parents seemed to not be an important or positive part in their lives.  Some had either one or both of their parents NOT a part of their lives, having to live with Grandma, who couldn't keep up with what they were doing or not doing.  It is sad.  Here we are in the greatest Country in the world, with the most opportunity to succeed in life, and through ignorance, bad choices in life style, are wasting away instead of prospering with a little bit of effort and positive direction!

Can we all pray for these children to have their lives changed to the positive influences that seep into their lives and that their circumstances are changed to the good because someone (you?) cared enough to do something about it.  We are a country founded on the basis that we are blessed by GOD. Those that don't believe that are missing out on so much, but don't realize it!  SUPER SADNESS! Pray for the kids, then do something . . . anything, to help change their chances to the positive.

Love y'all
Remember, keep singing, keep smiling, keep laughing
