My dear friends, and readers,
After seeing an article from Minnesota, the State where I grew up, I got to thinking about it and the more I thought, the more I needed to speak up about our Country’s immigration challenges. The story was about the Somali communities (enclaves perhaps is a better term). Seems that the new resident’s in our culture of kindness, openness, and generosity, is coming under attack. The part that got to me what how the recipients of our kindness and genrosithy in trying to help them better, are starting to become ungraiteful and are becoming DEMANDING of the “system” to provide them FREE FOOD that corresponds with their customs! To the point of almost rioting (the way I interpreted the article). There was also mention of Somali Taxi Cab drivers refusing to allow seeing eye AND other service dogs to be taken in their taxis. The article went on to discribe more challenges that Minnesota is having to deal with their new residents. I remember my Grandparents teaching us and the school system teaching us through AMERICAN HISTORY class of the folks from Europe and other places, arriving in NewYourk City, being inprocessed into the greatest country in the world! How greatful they were and how they got jobs, and melted into our society, assimilating into their new home, learning the customs and traditions of the new culture they had prayerd for. With all the trouble in the news about our newest residents acting up and out, sneaking in around the system that had been in place for over 200 years, ignoring the customs and traditions of their (however illegal they got here) is an atrocity to those that came before them, and became great employees, great business men and women, eventual teachers and respected leaders in their chosen communities. But what is happening now is increasing in occurance and volumn! This has GOT to stop! It is time that ALL US Citizens rebel against the Somali and all Muslim invaders and get them out of the country….back to where they came from. America welcomes ALL who desire to live here . . . BUT must become one with us according to our laws, cultures, and customs. If the poor dears can’t do that and also can’t provide for themselves without welfare payments (which is a form of ransome in this case) then they HAVE TO GO somewhere else. Because of all this crap about them needing this and needing that and demand that we change our culture to theirs and they have the audacity to expect us — the ones who are providing them food, clothing, a roof over their head for FREE, to give them more? I think not. Especially since we have American Veterans not able to get decent housing, food. medical assistance and even a job because of their physical or mental challenges, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to do anything more (other than kick their butts out of our country) for these leeches to our society. They show no desire to become an AMERICAN. They show no desire to blend in with the neighborhood. They only show scorn, disrespect, and evilness to those that they live around. I got really irritated reading the reason they demanded youth centers to occupy their “gangs” so they wouldn’t get in trouble. How about sending them to grade school, or Jr. High so they can get an education. Oh, that’s right. We don’t teach camel riding, or goat herding. Send them to an English class, or a trade class so they can earn a living like all US Citizens do to support themselves. Whatever is done next HAS to be to kick them all back to the sand dunes and caves they came from.
Can you tell I am IRRITATED by the situation? Really sad is that this is just one of the place these slime balls are gathering. We need to, we HAVE to . . . remove them from our shores. All that are not employable, or refuse to assimilate to our culture. That means employment wise, self supporting, obeying our laws, no areas of restricted access from neighbors or law enforcement, no Sharia law accepted, and the list goes on. In other words become United States Americans and give up their former country’s customs that are not compatible with ours. If they have a job as a cab driver and a passenger with a seeing eye or service dog needs a ride, and that offends the Muslim driver, then he is fired and deported! Right on the spot.
What has been happening in Dearborn Michigan over the past quite a few years with the enclave of Muslims there is an indication of what our country will become if enough are allowed to be in our population. When the percentages are sufficient, they will be the voting majority and our culture, our country, our right to Worship, will be no longer. We cannot allow that to happen. Yes, it is very scary, maddening, and tremendously sad. If we allow this to continue there will be no United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. It will become a cesspool like the crappy places that they came from. They are demented, sadistic, repulsive, and most importantly UNGODLY.
We were founded on the principle of FREEDOM. Free speech, free to worship, free to speak your mind, write your thoughts. Free to choose your vocation, free to go to college and pay your way…through scholarships, working your way through, etc., support your family financially within your means to provide a roof over you and your family’s head and food on your table, help the poor, shop the stores where you choose, raise a family (and support it yourself). The majority of the process is financed through your endeavors, but in down times it is understood there is assistance available to you the tax payer to assist you and your family through the tough time, until you are able to be employed once again. Nowhere should the government be expected to be your survival ace in the hole because you are lazy, but there to help you through the tough time in short duration. Welfare is not a job description.
Perhaps I am an idealist. I cannot remember a time where I was unemployed and didn’t have the financial support of my family to help me through. When we moved out to Vegas from Minneapolis, I was out of work for six weeks. We were living with Pat’s folks, but we contributed to the food source, and I was at the employment office every week day only because the office was closed on Saturday and Sunday. I applied for a janitor job, a car rental van driver, and a bunch of other places that I felt I could do. It didn’t matter what it was, if I was earning a living, I was fulfilling my obligation and could hold my head up high. I ended up getting a job from a transportation contractor who just got the contract for a new “trolley bus” system in Downtown Las Vegas, that led to being employed by CLV when they stopped the contract and took over the bus thing. After a while an opening came up in the CLV Printshop…of course I got it and that’s where I retired from after 18 years, at the age of 60. That was nine years ago! That six weeks was the longest I was ever unemployed. Which was caused by my moving to Vegas. So I have a strong background of providing for my family and take that seriously. For the life of me, I can’t understand why there are people that refuse to take responsibility for themselves and those they are married to to provide a home, food, and a way to get around, even if it is a bus.
The United States of America was founded on those freedoms. People have fought and some have died to defend those freedoms. We have welcomed millions of people through the years to our shores to take advantage of our freedoms. Sadly to say, there are invaders among us that are planning to undo what over 200 years millions of men and women have provided blood, sweat, and tears to build it into the greatest Country the world has ever known. Today what I see is the eroding of all that effort because of uneducated, uninformed, selfish, ignorant, uncaring, uninformed people that are not paying attention to the danger that is about to come tumbling down around our shoulders. My grandfathers, father, uncles have all helped build what we have today. They raised us to respect, to get educated in whatever we liked, not necessarily a college degree, but a trade….whatever would make us a part of the building, not a part of the tearing down. They raised us to understand how great America is, as a leader in innovation, medical research, electronics, etc. We were the leaders of the earth. We helped (and still do) other countries in need, from disasters, both natural and man made. We, as a country had earned the respect of all peaceful nations and even our enemies, because we were benevolent as well as strong to be an influence in affecting peace. We are losing ground and that is not good. I shed tears for the country that was once great. Where its people were proud. Where its people were loving and respectable. Where its people were giving, sharing citizens. Where neighborhoods had children playing in the parks, women pushing strollers along the sidewalks and men walking in opposite direction tipping their hat to the lady with a “Good day miss.” When you could go to the movies and not worry about a crazed gunman ruining your evening with your loved one. Or going to a high school football game and watching the coach and his team gather at the 50 yard line and say a prayer before or after the game, and no one was offended. I miss the America where people treated each other with respect and honor. No crude and foul language spoken. Where you didn’t have to worry about your children seeing inappropriate things on the computer, magazines, or TV. There were barriers that were in place to prevent those things from our children. Where they could go to school and not be afraid of bullies, having to endure classroom fights, abusive language from other kids and nothing being done about it. Fear of physical abuse is a common fear today.
I miss the days of Jimmy Stewart, Debbie Reynolds movies. I can remember the first time Color TV’s were on the market. What an awesome invention. There were a lot of advancements in communication, kitchen appliances, electrical products, and now with all the electronic devices, it is a sure sign that AMERICA is indeed a leader in the world…..but it is degrading as I write. It is time to stop this nonsense of “being offended” . . . of not being willing to become a WHOLE AMERICAN and enjoy the freedoms that we have been given by others. Come to America . . . assimilate into our culture . . . enjoy the abilities you have as an AMERICAN. Be self sufficient. Remember your heritage but become an AMERICAN, and be a productive member of society that honors different traditions, different cultures. But as AMERICANS… United States Citizens, we may do things a little different here. We allow our citizens to WORSHIP if they wish to. We even allow them NOT to WORSHIP if they wish to. But, we do not insist or demand others to change their life style (or Spiritual styles) as it appears radical Islam dictates. THAT Is not allowed. We as a country have designed and developed our culture that requires laws that are followed by our population. Our Laws protect our citizens from harm. Our Laws protect our citizens from enslavement. Our Laws also allow our citizens to get along with each other in love and peace, without the threat of violence, or seclusiveness such as excluding law enforcement or the ability of protection. We are a country of many cultures. A melting pot if you wish. Within our laws, as I understand them, is the overall purpose to protect our citizens. Our country has been going along fine for over 200 years. Although not without some challenges, and it seems we are still working on some lingering challenges because of some individuals that insist on stirring the racial pot. But we will get through these issues as well.
Our history is pretty colorful and rich in heritage of many cultures. But the part that seems to come out on top ALL the time is this: FREEDOM
Along with freedom comes responsibilities. Do no harm to others is what I consider at the top of that list. If we as AMERICAN citizens can keep that in mind when dealing with our citizens (which I think we have mostly done) we will continue to thrive. IF through selfishness, laziness, weakness, stupidity, or lack of caring, we FAIL to be a loving, caring, people that have let down all those that have gone before us. It was those that were here before us that have built this nation to the greatness it has become. Reign in the selfishness, become aware of your surroundings, forget about being “offended” at everything. Learn American History. See about brushing up on what it takes to be a naturalized citizen. Those folks study hard, and I would be willing to bet, they know more about our history than you do. Exactly what does the Constitution say? What are the Amendments…or for that matter, WHAT are amendments? Most kids that went to school, at least those of my age or my children’s age, had to learn that kind of thing. What about our War of Independence. From whom were we at war with, and did we win that war? How about more understanding more of our American History? Naturalized Citizens can tell you about that time period as well. Who was the first person in SPACE and from what country? Who won the Second World War? Who lost? I wonder how many invaders even care? It’s a very sad day.
Enough said for now,
So Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep singing,
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