Sunday, June 30, 2013

What a day today...
It was our first day with our new Pastor and his wife.  Brother Paul and his wife are going to be just great!  After Worship, our "fifth Sunday" at Eaton UMC our Pot Luck lunch/dinner was a huge success with all three of the churches very well represented.  What I liked particularly, was the very thoughtful and thought provoking sermon centered around the Birthday of our Great Country, and how we are to be centered around God as the Biggest (and best) part of how our country was founded.  How many of us think about that as much as I do?  Hardly not a day goes by when I think about how far off the track of our Founding Fathers we have come in the last thirty or so years.  A little at a time.   It creeps up on us, not really paying any attention to the slow erosion of the values that were very so important to those that founded our country.  Now what we have is not much like they had planned for us.  WHY?  Because people are corrupt!  They didn't start out that way, I am hoping.

This is my opinion and view of what was set up for us, what has happened, and why.  I take full responsibility for what I write.  I have thought this out and will stick by what you read here.

When the government was set up, the representatives of the people were supposed to be elected, sent to Washington, do their job of governing according to the Constitution, and go home and go back to their previous it in business, farm, bank, or whatever they had been doing before they were elected for their term in Congress.  It was NOT to be a career situation.  Through the years, as people were elected to be Representatives, or Senators, they saw the opportunity to become wealthy at the expense of the people that had sent them to Washington.  They learned very quickly that if they were to throw tid-bits to the constituents once in a while that could brag about how good they were for whatever FREE stuff or Government money was given to their State, they got re-elected and got more powerful and more wealthy! I have nothing against wealth, far from it.  That is what business is all about, not Government service.  Get paid well, then go home after your one or at the most, two terms...end of your Congressional service.  Thank you.  No retirement, no under the table financial gains.  Then the special interest folks got on board and found that if they threw fancy tid-bits at the Senators and Congressmen, they could get some big money as well!  The corruptness grew and grew.  Now it has gotten to where the Government of the United States has become so bloated with everyone fattening each others pockets and bank accounts that they have forgotten the people that sent them to their positions to straighten out the growing mess.

When we have a government that has been allowed to grow so large and now interferes in the pursuit of freedom we were founded on, it has become almost unbearable.  Even IF the electronic surveillance (NSA) stories are getting over distorted and not really doing what they are being blasted for doing.  Even IF the IRS has gone astray in overspending and targeting our conservative organizations unjustly. There is still time to correct it.  For starters, to do that, we must STOP the downward spiral of whimping out to the untruth of the Stupid and Idiotic thought pattern that has been promoted by the ultra-liberal thought pattern that somewhere in the Constitution says that there will be a separation between the church and the state!  It states that there will be no National Church like they were getting away from in England.  What the Constitution says is the government will not establish a National Church.  Nowhere does it say that Religion cannot be a part of our lives and that the government has the responsibility of restricting the freedoms of religion among the people of the United States.  Nobody is FORCING anybody to pray, for instance, after a touchdown at a football game.  Just because a player does, does not mean anyone HAS to or is OBLIGATED to pray as well.  The lack of common sense and the proliferation of down right MEANNESS has crept into our God founded Country by those Satan filled, misguided people that are making such a ruckus over our basic right to pray if we want, display our foundational values because we are allowed to, because our Constitution does not restrict displaying the 10 Commandments or even flying the American Flag over a Federal Detention Center that just happens to be housing Muslim bad guys.  Where have we gone wrong?  When our leaders continually apologize to other countries about our Country defending other countries from dictatorships, and bad people, and generally just existing, we need to reconsider who we have making those really dumb decisions, and get back on track as the Greatest Nation EVER in the world!

We have let the stupidity and the warped thinking get too far out of hand.  What happened to the days when the government was small and stuck to protecting our shores and borders from hostile threats? In answer to my own question:  I suppose many years ago when "progressive" thinkers decided to exceed the bounds of National Government by building a network of invasive laws that took powers away from the individual states, in the name of "Uniformity".  Then they started putting pressure on the States by threatening to withhold funds given from "Daddy" National Government if the States didn't comply with what Daddy wanted.  I know it is natural for us to want free stuff, and money to make our lives easier and more pleasant, but at what cost?  It is time to right the wrong.  It is time to make the changes back to common sense.  When y'all voted for CHANGE, what were you expecting?  Free stuff I suppose.  Look at what you've done.  What a mess.  Let's rethink this whole situation and find a way to get back to where people have their respect back.  Where folks are responsible for what they produce.  Where if you are able bodied, you work.  If you are not able to work to support yourself and your family, there better be a good reason you need to have others support you.  No $200 tennis shoes, fancy home that the common worker can't afford for themselves, no smart phones, no big screen TV, no fancy car(s).  Basic necessities.  If you want more, get a job, get off the public funding,  and earn it.  Lets get Government out of our business's pockets.  Get rid of all those thousands of pages of tax crap that cost business money that is then being thrown away on gross mismanagement of the IRS and other departments of the BLOATED Federal Government. If company's are allowed to produce, they hire more. If they are having to pay all those needless taxes it is obviously less money that stays in the company to pay for more people!   Common sense has got to return or we are all doomed to destruction.  

Soap box is closed for now.

Keep singing, keep paying, keep smiling,


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