What a day today...
It was our first day with our new Pastor and his wife. Brother Paul and his wife are going to be just great! After Worship, our "fifth Sunday" at Eaton UMC our Pot Luck lunch/dinner was a huge success with all three of the churches very well represented. What I liked particularly, was the very thoughtful and thought provoking sermon centered around the Birthday of our Great Country, and how we are to be centered around God as the Biggest (and best) part of how our country was founded. How many of us think about that as much as I do? Hardly not a day goes by when I think about how far off the track of our Founding Fathers we have come in the last thirty or so years. A little at a time. It creeps up on us, not really paying any attention to the slow erosion of the values that were very so important to those that founded our country. Now what we have is not much like they had planned for us. WHY? Because people are corrupt! They didn't start out that way, I am hoping.
This is my opinion and view of what was set up for us, what has happened, and why. I take full responsibility for what I write. I have thought this out and will stick by what you read here.
When the government was set up, the representatives of the people were supposed to be elected, sent to Washington, do their job of governing according to the Constitution, and go home and go back to their previous work...be it in business, farm, bank, or whatever they had been doing before they were elected for their term in Congress. It was NOT to be a career situation. Through the years, as people were elected to be Representatives, or Senators, they saw the opportunity to become wealthy at the expense of the people that had sent them to Washington. They learned very quickly that if they were to throw tid-bits to the constituents once in a while that could brag about how good they were for whatever FREE stuff or Government money was given to their State, they got re-elected and got more powerful and more wealthy! I have nothing against wealth, far from it. That is what business is all about, not Government service. Get paid well, then go home after your one or at the most, two terms...end of your Congressional service. Thank you. No retirement, no under the table financial gains. Then the special interest folks got on board and found that if they threw fancy tid-bits at the Senators and Congressmen, they could get some big money as well! The corruptness grew and grew. Now it has gotten to where the Government of the United States has become so bloated with everyone fattening each others pockets and bank accounts that they have forgotten the people that sent them to their positions to straighten out the growing mess.
When we have a government that has been allowed to grow so large and now interferes in the pursuit of freedom we were founded on, it has become almost unbearable. Even IF the electronic surveillance (NSA) stories are getting over distorted and not really doing what they are being blasted for doing. Even IF the IRS has gone astray in overspending and targeting our conservative organizations unjustly. There is still time to correct it. For starters, to do that, we must STOP the downward spiral of whimping out to the untruth of the Stupid and Idiotic thought pattern that has been promoted by the ultra-liberal thought pattern that somewhere in the Constitution says that there will be a separation between the church and the state! It states that there will be no National Church like they were getting away from in England. What the Constitution says is the government will not establish a National Church. Nowhere does it say that Religion cannot be a part of our lives and that the government has the responsibility of restricting the freedoms of religion among the people of the United States. Nobody is FORCING anybody to pray, for instance, after a touchdown at a football game. Just because a player does, does not mean anyone HAS to or is OBLIGATED to pray as well. The lack of common sense and the proliferation of down right MEANNESS has crept into our God founded Country by those Satan filled, misguided people that are making such a ruckus over our basic right to pray if we want, display our foundational values because we are allowed to, because our Constitution does not restrict displaying the 10 Commandments or even flying the American Flag over a Federal Detention Center that just happens to be housing Muslim bad guys. Where have we gone wrong? When our leaders continually apologize to other countries about our Country defending other countries from dictatorships, and bad people, and generally just existing, we need to reconsider who we have making those really dumb decisions, and get back on track as the Greatest Nation EVER in the world!
We have let the stupidity and the warped thinking get too far out of hand. What happened to the days when the government was small and stuck to protecting our shores and borders from hostile threats? In answer to my own question: I suppose many years ago when "progressive" thinkers decided to exceed the bounds of National Government by building a network of invasive laws that took powers away from the individual states, in the name of "Uniformity". Then they started putting pressure on the States by threatening to withhold funds given from "Daddy" National Government if the States didn't comply with what Daddy wanted. I know it is natural for us to want free stuff, and money to make our lives easier and more pleasant, but at what cost? It is time to right the wrong. It is time to make the changes back to common sense. When y'all voted for CHANGE, what were you expecting? Free stuff I suppose. Look at what you've done. What a mess. Let's rethink this whole situation and find a way to get back to where people have their respect back. Where folks are responsible for what they produce. Where if you are able bodied, you work. If you are not able to work to support yourself and your family, there better be a good reason you need to have others support you. No $200 tennis shoes, fancy home that the common worker can't afford for themselves, no smart phones, no big screen TV, no fancy car(s). Basic necessities. If you want more, get a job, get off the public funding, and earn it. Lets get Government out of our business's pockets. Get rid of all those thousands of pages of tax crap that cost business money that is then being thrown away on gross mismanagement of the IRS and other departments of the BLOATED Federal Government. If company's are allowed to produce, they hire more. If they are having to pay all those needless taxes it is obviously less money that stays in the company to pay for more people! Common sense has got to return or we are all doomed to destruction.
Soap box is closed for now.
Keep singing, keep paying, keep smiling,
Welcome to my BLOG. Strange word isn't it? I try to post my thoughts when something has inspired me to share some of my life and experiences that I think may be interesting to you, my reader. Thank you for your visit, and I hope you come back again.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thinking back when I was a lot younger, I now see that what we are experiencing today as what they call "Senior Citizens", as a normal life cycle that is really no different than any other time, other than of course the technology of the "present". I will be willing to bet that had we asked our grandparents and our parents, this answer would have been the same, except the term "technology" hadn't been invented yet!
Below is a perfect example of the life cycle that I am talking about.
Below is a perfect example of the life cycle that I am talking about.
Doesn't that about cover our topic of the day? I think that the artist that thought this wonderful sequence up should be given some kind of a award on what we are.
How many of us have gotten to the third picture from the end and can't remember the first three? Since we (Pat and I) moved to Tennessee, we have had our lives slowed down a bunch from the hustle bustle of city living and focusing on the raising of the children and the keeping both the wife AND my employer happy, and all the stuff in-between happening at once. I remember my grandparents, that I have written about previously, and how calm and content they seemed, when I got to visit them. They had experienced the first three frames of the above picture when I was in the first frame. By the time I had progressed to the third frame, my grandparents (both sets) had reached the last frame. At the time, I didn't realize the significance of the importance of the life cycle. If someone could have sat me down and firmly explained the meaning behind each of these frames when I was even in the second one, maybe I could have enjoyed the trip a lot more. Oh, I am not saying that it was a miserable trip! Far from it. I feel that I have been the most blessed person in the world! It was God's hand working in every part of my life, including the woman I married, the children that we were so blessed with the responsibility to raise them with values and ethics to pass on to their families. What I am thinking is that even though my grandparents gave me hints of how good retirement was, I was never really understanding the importance of the later part of living.
It is now that we can sit back and see God's hand in what He has guided us through. How it was when we needed the most help in overcoming what we thought were major crises, were just little bumps in the journey of life. And we were open to His help in solving whatever it was at the time that needed solving. The wonderful thing about it was that we didn't realize that it was HIM that was getting us through it, not us! How foolish we were huh? Yes, it is now that we really enjoy seeing and experiencing HIS love for us and sit quietly (grown kids, remember, there is quietness now ...occasionally) and listen to His whispers of encouragement to finish the journey with pride and dignity, but in HIS time, not ours. It is this relationship that is putting our worldly hustle and bustle into a new light and it's lack of importance of necessity. Things will get done in the proper time...maybe not in the time we want, but . . .
The next to the last frame is the one that bothers me. Pat and I have decided that 95 is a good time to go home, but then again, it IS God's decision! But still, we figure our house will be paid up by then and we would have done most things that were important to us by then. If it is longer than that, it would be fine too, I suppose, after all, if God isn't finished with us by then, we will most gladly continue on! ha ha But the living alone is the scary part. I have depended on Pat for what seems like all of my life!
It is the last frame that must be talked about. What will your children do, act and say about how you lived your life? Will they understand? Will they have raised their children to have the same high values that you had taught them? Have we done enough to prepare our kids for living a full, productive and respectful life that centers around our spiritual belief system? By the time you are in the fourth frame, your work to make those things happen have been all but used up. Don't delay! The period between third and fourth is where your work with a focus really needs to be in high gear. Right now the fourth picture is where Pat and I are at. We are enjoying it tremendously, because I feel that frames one, two and three were done well. I have no worries or concerns of how the children raising time went. With a partner like I have, it was easy for me...she helped me through without killing anyone! (Just a joke.) Is is remarkable now, seeing what sense of humor God really has when it comes to child rearing. Have you had an opportunity to see it in your case as well?
The point of this story is this: LIFE runs in a cycle. Enjoy each frame to the fullest. It is not how fast we run the race to the end, but how many lives we touch positively along the way that counts. When it comes to your kids, it is so important that they understand that there IS a purpose in living life to the best that they can, to accomplish God's plan, for each of them. It is then that the last frame of our picture gets the most attention.
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling
Monday, June 17, 2013
Parenting isn't the easiest thing in the world, but it ranks up there with the most rewarding. Pat came from a family of parents (2) and an older brother (1). There were a few aunts and uncles and cousins scattered around for family effect. I wasn't there, but I see the results of good parenting when I met and fell in love with Pat. They did well.
I came from a family of Mom and Dad, an older sister, and two younger brothers. Growing up it didn't seem like we were poor. Dad worked really hard at keeping food on the table and clothes on our back. We had two wonderful sets of Grandparents who were a big part of our younger life. Mom and Dad my sister and I lived in a trailer with a canvas roof in Grandma and Grandpa Saffell's back yard for a while. Think I have already talked about this in an earlier blog. But the point I am trying to make, is we weren't financially wealthy, but spiritually and family-wise, we were blessed beyond belief, as I am looking back on our early life. We didn't get everything we wanted as kids, but then I don't think many kids do! But we were not lacking in Love. We were warm in the winter, unless we went outside, (Minnesota, don'cha know) but as a family, there was lots of love to go around. Most of it was not the gushy, mushy kind of love, but the love that you feel when someone cares about you, and wants to make you feel good, and safe.
So when Pat and I found each other, actually I found her (I still don't think she was all that excited about going out on our first date) she got over that real fast, and for the next two months we found out that we were supposed to be together and go through life together, as a team. So now forty-six years later, we have raised two boys (David and Todd) and a girl in-between (Amy) and have seven granddaughters as a reward for being decent parents. Like my folks and Pat's folks, we never had a lot of money to spread around on goofy stuff, like cars for the kids when they got old enough, or things that their friends folks had bought for them. "Keeping up with the Jone's" was not a thought in our house. Couldn't afford it! Didn't even want to begin going down THAT road. What we did have in abundance (we tried anyway) was a home they could bring their friends over to. A home where it was safe to play in the back yard or at the kitchen or dining room table playing games. We tried to show them what we had when we were their ages...Parents who cared about their kids. Of course there were the normal challenges that families have with children passing through their "growing" stages. But we made it through them without too much difficulties. I could show you pictures of our kids, but that would only make y'all jealous because they are so darn cute! I remember one picture of Amy with our cat Sam dressed up in some doll clothes and there is Amy putting him in her baby buggy....with her hands around his neck! He was a good cat and loved the attention!
Saw this on FaceBook I think. It shows clearly how a good family is put together. It is LOVE that makes a family solid.
So here we are now, after a cross country trip to see the boys a bit ago. Watching what they are doing with their daughters. David's girls are both grown now. Last year Amanda graduated from High School and this year Jess graduated as well. Amanda is in advanced school learning a trade, and Jess has enlisted in the Navy and is in boot camp right now, carrying on the Female in the Navy Tradition. Then Todd's girls are such a joy to watch. The interaction between them is quite the show to see. They each have such remarkable individualism. What is most interesting for me, although the girls are right close to the top of the list, is seeing how my boys treat their ladies. If the men of the world would only treat their wives like my sons do theirs, it would be an AWESOME place to live. And then we come to "the DAUGHTER". My daughter Amy was close by where we live, taking care of our dogs and cat, and bringing in the mail, and making sure things were ok at the old homestead while Pat and I were away. Not only does she have a full time job teaching special needs kids at the high school, but takes care of her husband David like he's a king or something! ha ha And in addition to all that, Kaci, their daughter, is growing up so fast and is developing into a fine young lady in her own right. If being a full time teacher of special needs kids and keeping a home for her husband (who spoils her rotten) and daughter, she is the troop leader of over 20 Girl Scouts going on trips, doing cookie sales, always busy. Each and everyone of those kids as well as the boy's families, are products of seeing and being in a family that strived to have values taught. . .Where there were a lot of things to do that didn't cost a lot of money. . . Where teaching values were more important that buying someone's friendship.
I think that love is more important that money. I think that caring is more important than words. I think that giving a hug is more important than anything found in a store. Through the years we have seen many families with difficulties...including our own at times. But what brings these families out of the bad times is the love and solidity that the effect of love has on a family, that makes it strong enough to last.
I feel sad for families that aren't close. I feel sad that there are families that for some reason or another, have quit communicating with each other. When something has happened that upsets someone, and it affects the others or perhaps just one member of the family, letting it go without talking about it, and NOT bringing the point of hurt out in the open so both can share their views and talk it out, is not only hurtful to the two individuals involved, but will and does hurt the rest of the members of the family as well. That makes me sad. What a waste of perhaps many years of separation.
So the point of the story is this. Money doesn't make a family close. Most times, just the opposite! It is LOVE that makes a family close. It is the relationship of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandma's and grandpa's and of course MOM and DAD. Sometimes it is even physically unrelated people that become like a family that is so important as well. Pat and I have that in our "family" as well. I think I have touched on that in an earlier blog, so FAMILY is a broad and encompassing word that not only means blood kin, but friends so close you are so much like aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, that the outside world stops when we are all together sharing and caring for each other.
Remember who the real Father is, and talk to Him daily...he waits for your call...you're part of the family.
Keep on singing, keep praying, and keep smiling,
I came from a family of Mom and Dad, an older sister, and two younger brothers. Growing up it didn't seem like we were poor. Dad worked really hard at keeping food on the table and clothes on our back. We had two wonderful sets of Grandparents who were a big part of our younger life. Mom and Dad my sister and I lived in a trailer with a canvas roof in Grandma and Grandpa Saffell's back yard for a while. Think I have already talked about this in an earlier blog. But the point I am trying to make, is we weren't financially wealthy, but spiritually and family-wise, we were blessed beyond belief, as I am looking back on our early life. We didn't get everything we wanted as kids, but then I don't think many kids do! But we were not lacking in Love. We were warm in the winter, unless we went outside, (Minnesota, don'cha know) but as a family, there was lots of love to go around. Most of it was not the gushy, mushy kind of love, but the love that you feel when someone cares about you, and wants to make you feel good, and safe.
So when Pat and I found each other, actually I found her (I still don't think she was all that excited about going out on our first date) she got over that real fast, and for the next two months we found out that we were supposed to be together and go through life together, as a team. So now forty-six years later, we have raised two boys (David and Todd) and a girl in-between (Amy) and have seven granddaughters as a reward for being decent parents. Like my folks and Pat's folks, we never had a lot of money to spread around on goofy stuff, like cars for the kids when they got old enough, or things that their friends folks had bought for them. "Keeping up with the Jone's" was not a thought in our house. Couldn't afford it! Didn't even want to begin going down THAT road. What we did have in abundance (we tried anyway) was a home they could bring their friends over to. A home where it was safe to play in the back yard or at the kitchen or dining room table playing games. We tried to show them what we had when we were their ages...Parents who cared about their kids. Of course there were the normal challenges that families have with children passing through their "growing" stages. But we made it through them without too much difficulties. I could show you pictures of our kids, but that would only make y'all jealous because they are so darn cute! I remember one picture of Amy with our cat Sam dressed up in some doll clothes and there is Amy putting him in her baby buggy....with her hands around his neck! He was a good cat and loved the attention!
Saw this on FaceBook I think. It shows clearly how a good family is put together. It is LOVE that makes a family solid.
So here we are now, after a cross country trip to see the boys a bit ago. Watching what they are doing with their daughters. David's girls are both grown now. Last year Amanda graduated from High School and this year Jess graduated as well. Amanda is in advanced school learning a trade, and Jess has enlisted in the Navy and is in boot camp right now, carrying on the Female in the Navy Tradition. Then Todd's girls are such a joy to watch. The interaction between them is quite the show to see. They each have such remarkable individualism. What is most interesting for me, although the girls are right close to the top of the list, is seeing how my boys treat their ladies. If the men of the world would only treat their wives like my sons do theirs, it would be an AWESOME place to live. And then we come to "the DAUGHTER". My daughter Amy was close by where we live, taking care of our dogs and cat, and bringing in the mail, and making sure things were ok at the old homestead while Pat and I were away. Not only does she have a full time job teaching special needs kids at the high school, but takes care of her husband David like he's a king or something! ha ha And in addition to all that, Kaci, their daughter, is growing up so fast and is developing into a fine young lady in her own right. If being a full time teacher of special needs kids and keeping a home for her husband (who spoils her rotten) and daughter, she is the troop leader of over 20 Girl Scouts going on trips, doing cookie sales, always busy. Each and everyone of those kids as well as the boy's families, are products of seeing and being in a family that strived to have values taught. . .Where there were a lot of things to do that didn't cost a lot of money. . . Where teaching values were more important that buying someone's friendship.
I think that love is more important that money. I think that caring is more important than words. I think that giving a hug is more important than anything found in a store. Through the years we have seen many families with difficulties...including our own at times. But what brings these families out of the bad times is the love and solidity that the effect of love has on a family, that makes it strong enough to last.
I feel sad for families that aren't close. I feel sad that there are families that for some reason or another, have quit communicating with each other. When something has happened that upsets someone, and it affects the others or perhaps just one member of the family, letting it go without talking about it, and NOT bringing the point of hurt out in the open so both can share their views and talk it out, is not only hurtful to the two individuals involved, but will and does hurt the rest of the members of the family as well. That makes me sad. What a waste of perhaps many years of separation.
So the point of the story is this. Money doesn't make a family close. Most times, just the opposite! It is LOVE that makes a family close. It is the relationship of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandma's and grandpa's and of course MOM and DAD. Sometimes it is even physically unrelated people that become like a family that is so important as well. Pat and I have that in our "family" as well. I think I have touched on that in an earlier blog, so FAMILY is a broad and encompassing word that not only means blood kin, but friends so close you are so much like aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, that the outside world stops when we are all together sharing and caring for each other.
Remember who the real Father is, and talk to Him daily...he waits for your call...you're part of the family.
Keep on singing, keep praying, and keep smiling,
Friday, June 14, 2013
Today is FLAG Day! Looking around I see very few flags flying. Wonder why that is? Could it be that folks just don't know? To be truthful, I hadn't realized it until I got up and walked into the living room to Fox's morning show and they were talking about how flags were made.
So I immediately took our flag (I keep it by the front door) went outside and put it in the holder I made for it. It is a beautiful day here in Rutherford, TN. The sun is shining. The breeze is light. The farmers are in their fields, working away.
What a wonderful day to enjoy what God has blessed us with. A country that we can share our thoughts with others freely. A country that rewards those that work hard, study hard, stay focused, and contribute to society in a positive way, with the opportunity to make something of themselves. Sometimes during the process, it doesn't seem that way, but for me, it worked well. Unfortunately, lately it seems more and more difficult to accomplish, but with constant prayer, keeping a positive spirit about you, and think things through on what is best for you and your family to survive without depending on others (i.e. government programs) to support you until death, you will do alright. With proper schooling, focus, and hard work, in America, there has been established a system that we can all live together in a condition of peace and harmony with our neighbors, both close and far, each contributing to the over all picture of happiness and wellness.
In any society there are those that are incapable of surviving on their own, through physical disability or mental challenges. THOSE are the ones society is to be taking care of as a joint project, through local programs that help them with their challenges to live a reasonable life with food, medical support, and decent (non-slum) housing to live in. There seems to be more and more folks that have cheated the system and through untruth and outright deceit and gotten into the system to be taken care of by the rest of us. These folks are neither mentally or physically challenged. What they are is LAZY! They are very capable of being employed in some fashion or another. Of course, I suppose that excludes those that have gone a step further and have been involved with breaking laws (other laws than the social helps rules of course). This is a country that has over the past 15-20 years has been sliding into a dangerous position of "the few, supporting the many" of which a good share of "the many" could be holding down jobs to support themselves. That is where we are at.
What makes it worse is the way that our government management has allowed the system to fall into disrepair because of socialistic values of BIG Government will take care of you. That does not mean, the honest workers that are supporting the government through taxes, or even the hundreds of thousands of government employees that put in an honest days work, day in and day out, through the years, being honorable employees not abusing the system. Of course we have all seen the shenanigans that makes the headlines of horrible abuse in some areas. They should be taken to the wood shed and straightened out, for sure. I think it is a management problem we have here that feels they are beyond the reach of common sense and have gone over the edge of efficient management and into the realm of government obesity! Shame on them! They need to be identified and punished. Abuse of any system requires punishment of those that have allowed it to happen...whether elected, or appointed. Shame!
Our system of government is the best in the world. It has brought us to the best country in history with, for many years, the highest moral values and industrial growth! Then the values started to erode into what we have today. Fortunately there is still time to save ourselves. It will require a shift in values for some. It will require some hard decisions to be made by those we actually vote for doing what they were elected to do, not to get ultra rich from special interest temptations. It will take courage to change the way government "does business" at the Washington D.C. level. That is a big hill to climb.
Until we start to see the results, we as the common sense Americans, must continue to work toward the goal of being resourceful, enthusiastic, God loving, citizens that are proud of our Country, working to regain our values of the past and work toward correcting the challenges of the present and the future. We need to continually remind others of the great country we had, and will have again. One of those ways are to fly the Flag that says: "Here we are. Come and join with us to make the country that this flag represents to be the place where freedom still rings." That people work together, so that we can show the world that the United States of America is a country of freedom, and with liberty for ALL.
God Bless America on this Flag Day.
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling
Monday, June 10, 2013
It's late. Been wondering what I would write about this time. Finally figured it out. One of my favorite topics is music. If you were to ask me what my favorite group is, I would have to ask YOU of what genre are you asking? Foundational Folk Music of the 60's through today? Kingston Trio of course. I cut my guitar playing teeth listening to and trying to emulate them. Have I succeeded? Let me put it this way. The Kingston Trio has been singing songs through the years of around 1961 to today. Bob Shane was the glue the keep the Kingston Trio the premier folk group through the years. George Grove has become the leader now after over 30 some years of Kingston Trio with Mr. Shane (now retired). Love their music. But I am not even close to their quality of playing. I also love Southern Gospel music that the Gaither's share with us. I suppose I should take a count of the CD's and DVD's that I have in my audio library, it has to be in the hundred's. Kevin Williams is their guitarist that I just love to listen to, in addition to his quick wit and comedic relief between songs. Each group that they have on their shows are so top of the line performers, that it is like listening to the angels sing. I have had the pleasure of being at two of their Homecoming events when I lived in Las Vegas. I was flying high for days afterwards. It was their music that I love to sing and play at church. Of course, much to my dismay, time moves on and the younger folks have their music hero's just like I did. Toby Mac has some nice stuff, that I got acquainted with when I was at the little church on the hill and we had a Youth Fest (VBS) for the teenagers of our neighborhood. I can't play well enough for that music without a complete focus of the new songs and time to develop them, to do it justice. But from what I heard, he is capturing quite a few young people singing good Christian ethics into their heads! That is one of the great things about music. We have a regional Gospel group called the Joylanders that I dearly love to listen to and to visit with as much as I can. They sing for the Lord and are developing relationships throughout the area from Illinois to Florida. I am thankful their home is here in West Tennessee so I can visit their Music Store in Trenton.
We all have things we can do well, but through adversity, perseverance and tenacity, we can work on, and make better, those things we CAN'T do so well. For instance, I can't read music. I thought that was a little strange until I learned that quite a few professionals can't either! Now I don't feel so bad. It slows me down a bit and has made it a little more difficult when I see a song and want to play it. I have to sound it out first and eventually it comes out (in my head) the way I interpret it. So far it has worked pretty good for me. Knowing how music is put together sure helps a lot. During most songs there are repetition throughout the music. Once I get the key that they are playing in, I know there are three basic chords in the whole song. When it comes to the chorus or the bridge there are perhaps some transitional chords to get there and back, but it will all fit together once I can figure out what they are doing. Folk music is pretty basic stuff. Gospel and Country are about the same. Since I don't read, I stay away from most classical stuff and orchestra type pieces.
During the years I have had different guitars, and I think I shared with you the excitement of getting my first professional quality guitar. It was a 1965 CF Martin D-25 just like the Kingston Trio were playing at the time. It took my whole savings account to get it, but it was worth it! Through the years I have had two pedal Steel guitars, a classical guitar (still have it). I have a mandolin that I was going to learn how to play. It hangs on my office wall, waiting for that day. I had a banjo in my beginning years and hope to get another one some day to take it back up again. My Martin was replaced by a Guild D-55 model when a crack developed on the back of my Martin....still can't part with it long enough to get it repaired. Some day I will drive to Pennsylvania to the factory and drop it off there for a while with them to do their magic. And recently I bought a Dobro style guitar to learn how to play that. It looks kind of like a regular guitar but is played parallel with the floor and uses a steel bar, like a pedal steel guitar is played. It has a resonator which make the sound very distinguishable.
So that is where I am for today's story. My friend Randall is guitar player I am teaching how to figure out some things such as music make up, how to strum, pick and hopefully grin as well. Now we have something we can learn together . . . how to play with other instruments. As I will be trying to give him some experience with keeping with other members of the band. That's the fun part...sharing music.
Here in Rutherford, we pride ourselves with being Davy Crockett's last known residence. We have a cabin down on our main drag that is a rebuilt (from original logs) and is staffed during the summer months for folks to see. It has a lot of historical things that belonged to Mr. Crockett before he went off to fight at the Alamo. His mother's grave is on the site as well. During the summer on Tuesday evenings, a group of folks gather around 7 pm and take turns to sing or play a few tunes with their guitars, fiddles, banjo's, mandolins, etc. People come on down with their lawn chairs and a glass of Sweet Tea and enjoy the music and the company. I have played and sang a few times, and may try to get down there more often this year. They are a very fun group and are always welcoming to others to join them. There is a camaraderie among musicians that can't be beat, except maybe on Sunday mornings with your church brothers and sisters.
The point of this story tonight is this: Music is a language everyone enjoys. You don't have to read the notes, just listen to the message. There is no age limit, no gender barrier, no race restrictions. Music is for everyone to meditate on, soak up and think of pictures of what is being heard. Sometimes it is music that helps us through the day. We can go into our "inner place" and sing the songs that make us feel good. Not everyone can play an instrument. Not everyone can sing either. But we can ALL enjoy music in our own special way. Music strikes patriotism in our hearts sometimes. Music brings tears to our eyes sometimes. And music can make us laugh too. Music is given to us to communicate with other. I believe it is a God thing. Sometimes the musical message is the only way some people get it. Think about this as you read this and see what you do: Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tell me so. Little ones to Him belong, we are weak but He is Strong. Did you just read it or sing it?
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
We all have things we can do well, but through adversity, perseverance and tenacity, we can work on, and make better, those things we CAN'T do so well. For instance, I can't read music. I thought that was a little strange until I learned that quite a few professionals can't either! Now I don't feel so bad. It slows me down a bit and has made it a little more difficult when I see a song and want to play it. I have to sound it out first and eventually it comes out (in my head) the way I interpret it. So far it has worked pretty good for me. Knowing how music is put together sure helps a lot. During most songs there are repetition throughout the music. Once I get the key that they are playing in, I know there are three basic chords in the whole song. When it comes to the chorus or the bridge there are perhaps some transitional chords to get there and back, but it will all fit together once I can figure out what they are doing. Folk music is pretty basic stuff. Gospel and Country are about the same. Since I don't read, I stay away from most classical stuff and orchestra type pieces.
During the years I have had different guitars, and I think I shared with you the excitement of getting my first professional quality guitar. It was a 1965 CF Martin D-25 just like the Kingston Trio were playing at the time. It took my whole savings account to get it, but it was worth it! Through the years I have had two pedal Steel guitars, a classical guitar (still have it). I have a mandolin that I was going to learn how to play. It hangs on my office wall, waiting for that day. I had a banjo in my beginning years and hope to get another one some day to take it back up again. My Martin was replaced by a Guild D-55 model when a crack developed on the back of my Martin....still can't part with it long enough to get it repaired. Some day I will drive to Pennsylvania to the factory and drop it off there for a while with them to do their magic. And recently I bought a Dobro style guitar to learn how to play that. It looks kind of like a regular guitar but is played parallel with the floor and uses a steel bar, like a pedal steel guitar is played. It has a resonator which make the sound very distinguishable.
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My Resonator Guitar |
So that is where I am for today's story. My friend Randall is guitar player I am teaching how to figure out some things such as music make up, how to strum, pick and hopefully grin as well. Now we have something we can learn together . . . how to play with other instruments. As I will be trying to give him some experience with keeping with other members of the band. That's the fun part...sharing music.
Here in Rutherford, we pride ourselves with being Davy Crockett's last known residence. We have a cabin down on our main drag that is a rebuilt (from original logs) and is staffed during the summer months for folks to see. It has a lot of historical things that belonged to Mr. Crockett before he went off to fight at the Alamo. His mother's grave is on the site as well. During the summer on Tuesday evenings, a group of folks gather around 7 pm and take turns to sing or play a few tunes with their guitars, fiddles, banjo's, mandolins, etc. People come on down with their lawn chairs and a glass of Sweet Tea and enjoy the music and the company. I have played and sang a few times, and may try to get down there more often this year. They are a very fun group and are always welcoming to others to join them. There is a camaraderie among musicians that can't be beat, except maybe on Sunday mornings with your church brothers and sisters.
The point of this story tonight is this: Music is a language everyone enjoys. You don't have to read the notes, just listen to the message. There is no age limit, no gender barrier, no race restrictions. Music is for everyone to meditate on, soak up and think of pictures of what is being heard. Sometimes it is music that helps us through the day. We can go into our "inner place" and sing the songs that make us feel good. Not everyone can play an instrument. Not everyone can sing either. But we can ALL enjoy music in our own special way. Music strikes patriotism in our hearts sometimes. Music brings tears to our eyes sometimes. And music can make us laugh too. Music is given to us to communicate with other. I believe it is a God thing. Sometimes the musical message is the only way some people get it. Think about this as you read this and see what you do: Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tell me so. Little ones to Him belong, we are weak but He is Strong. Did you just read it or sing it?
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
Saturday, June 8, 2013
After mowing both the back yard (taking appropriate breathing breaks) and the front yard, I put everything away and sat with Pat on the front porch for a while. The guys up the street were trimming their trees and hauling them off somewhere, who knows where. But being a nice sunny morning, it was a laid back, kind of day with the birds singing, and flying around having fun. The guys came back from dropping off their load and stopped by my branches I had had cut off my two small oak trees and stet them next to the street, along the side yard. After loading what I had, they continued on up the block for their last load of the other neighbors yards. What a wonderful, small town, expression of what neighbors are for each other. To them it seemed to not be a big thing. To me, it was wonderful! I thanked them as they jumped back into their truck and went back up the street for that last load. Thanks again guys!
Sitting there on the porch listening to the birds singing was music to my ears. I got to thinking, how many folks actually take the time to enjoy the birds? I was watching a couple Mocking birds playing in the branches before they were taken away. Then a robin showed up on the new mowed lawn, looking (listening most likely) for a worm or bug in the shade of the tree. What a relaxing time to sit quietly and watch God's creation at work and play. What made it even more enjoyable is that it is taking place in a rural small town where the air is clean, the sun shines bright, (in between the rain showers/storms) and people take care of each other. What a wonderful little world I live in. Wish everyone could experience small town USA. Then you could understand what quality living is all about. It is NOT about things. Things that you buy. Things that you hoard. Things that you are fearful someone might steal from you. I am talking about things like calmness, peace of mind, contentment. Small town USA has those. Don't get me wrong though. Some like the noise, the busy-ness, the closeness of shopping, theaters, things like that. They also encompass things like traffic, crime, fear, etc. Those things get in the way of the "Important" stuff, like watching those birds play, seeing a sunset on the other side of the corn field on a warm summer evening. Does it take "age" to appreciate those things? Maybe so. The folks at the other end of the block are not as aged as Pat and I are, but I think they enjoy living where they are, or they would move! I'm glad they are there. It makes this neighborhood complete. They are quality folks trying to make a difference in the place they live, work and play. The other night when it stormed so bad the transformers blew, the men all gathered at the corner across the street in front of my house. I went out to see if they knew anything about the power outage and they thought that the power was out all over town. Fortunately there were flood lights pointing upwards a block away that we could see, so that was reassuring. Sure enough, power was only out for about 45 minutes. All is well in small town USA. I realize that Pat and I are truly blessed in where we chose to live. God did put us here for a reason. No matter what goes on in the big towns, we here in rural USA still have relative calmness and peace if we choose. And we do.
My Daughter Amy and I were out and about the other day and stopped by a friends house a half of block from Downtown. They were all outside enjoying the afternoon . . . all twelve of them! Some were riding their bikes around the yard, another was working a jigsaw puzzle on the picnic table, some were just talking with each other, Dale (the Dad) was watering the flowers and the new sod he had planted, and Frances (Mom) was working with one of the kids. What a scene of small town family time! I thought I was watching Mayberry RFD!
An inner calmness is something EVERYONE can have. If you know God on a personal level, you too can have the calmness I am talking about. Ever have a friend you never talked to or communicated with? They seem to fade away don't they? God NEVER fades away. He is always there waiting for you to strike up a conversation. That relationship creates an inner calmness beyond belief. And, I suppose, it doesn't really matter where you live to get it either. Whether it is small town USA, a Battlefield in Iraq or even a place like Washington DC! Believe it or not, God is every where...just waiting for you to talk to Him. Personally, I think Small town USA is a great place to be...both on the humanistic side AND the Spiritual side!
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling
Sitting there on the porch listening to the birds singing was music to my ears. I got to thinking, how many folks actually take the time to enjoy the birds? I was watching a couple Mocking birds playing in the branches before they were taken away. Then a robin showed up on the new mowed lawn, looking (listening most likely) for a worm or bug in the shade of the tree. What a relaxing time to sit quietly and watch God's creation at work and play. What made it even more enjoyable is that it is taking place in a rural small town where the air is clean, the sun shines bright, (in between the rain showers/storms) and people take care of each other. What a wonderful little world I live in. Wish everyone could experience small town USA. Then you could understand what quality living is all about. It is NOT about things. Things that you buy. Things that you hoard. Things that you are fearful someone might steal from you. I am talking about things like calmness, peace of mind, contentment. Small town USA has those. Don't get me wrong though. Some like the noise, the busy-ness, the closeness of shopping, theaters, things like that. They also encompass things like traffic, crime, fear, etc. Those things get in the way of the "Important" stuff, like watching those birds play, seeing a sunset on the other side of the corn field on a warm summer evening. Does it take "age" to appreciate those things? Maybe so. The folks at the other end of the block are not as aged as Pat and I are, but I think they enjoy living where they are, or they would move! I'm glad they are there. It makes this neighborhood complete. They are quality folks trying to make a difference in the place they live, work and play. The other night when it stormed so bad the transformers blew, the men all gathered at the corner across the street in front of my house. I went out to see if they knew anything about the power outage and they thought that the power was out all over town. Fortunately there were flood lights pointing upwards a block away that we could see, so that was reassuring. Sure enough, power was only out for about 45 minutes. All is well in small town USA. I realize that Pat and I are truly blessed in where we chose to live. God did put us here for a reason. No matter what goes on in the big towns, we here in rural USA still have relative calmness and peace if we choose. And we do.
My Daughter Amy and I were out and about the other day and stopped by a friends house a half of block from Downtown. They were all outside enjoying the afternoon . . . all twelve of them! Some were riding their bikes around the yard, another was working a jigsaw puzzle on the picnic table, some were just talking with each other, Dale (the Dad) was watering the flowers and the new sod he had planted, and Frances (Mom) was working with one of the kids. What a scene of small town family time! I thought I was watching Mayberry RFD!
An inner calmness is something EVERYONE can have. If you know God on a personal level, you too can have the calmness I am talking about. Ever have a friend you never talked to or communicated with? They seem to fade away don't they? God NEVER fades away. He is always there waiting for you to strike up a conversation. That relationship creates an inner calmness beyond belief. And, I suppose, it doesn't really matter where you live to get it either. Whether it is small town USA, a Battlefield in Iraq or even a place like Washington DC! Believe it or not, God is every where...just waiting for you to talk to Him. Personally, I think Small town USA is a great place to be...both on the humanistic side AND the Spiritual side!
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I have been following our Memphis United Methodist Church Annual Conference via a Pastor friend's Facebook entries. She became a Probationary Elder in the United Methodist Church at this one that just concluded. What an AWESOME step she has taken. She has worked many years in study and the last several taking care of a "charge" of three churches. We Methodist's do that a lot in rural areas where the church memberships are rather small and the churches are relatively close to each other. I had the honor and the opportunity to care for her congregations a couple years ago or so when she went on leave to have her baby. What a great bunch of folks to work with. I enjoyed the two months which happened to be through the Advent (Christmas) season.
That was a wonderful experience that solidified in my mind, the calling to serve God. In the back of my mind I knew it for many years but for some reason, the opportunity wasn't there. In the past three months or so, there has been a lot of reflection on that time, as well as the time at the church I was given the opportunity to serve after that for 10 wonderful and glorious months. I know that not many people are called to serve God in relationship to other jobs, but to me, it is a rare opportunity to be a Pastor of a Church, and I value that time as the very best time in my life. I was able to actually feel like I was accomplishing something VERY important. It brought me closer to the real purpose of what my life was meant to be. As I sit back and contemplate, it ranks right up there with choosing your spouse and raising a family. YOU are responsible for a bigger "family". The family that gathers together at the church that God has brought you to, to lead them (just like your other family) to knowing God better. I feel I did that both at Pastor Sara's churches, and the little church on the hill. In looking back, it was mostly the youth that I seemed to have reached. You see, one Sunday I went to the kids Sunday School class and told them how important they were to me in having them understand my messages every Sunday. I brought along a stack of half sheets and some red ink pens. I asked them to look at the sheets and the different areas I had. In the upper left was a name for their name and below that the date and Sermon title. (I like to title my sermons)
On the upper right was this: UNDERSTANDING A B C D F
I told them to write down the points that meant something to them, to comment on what they wanted me to know about how they understood what I was talking about. Then to GRADE my message just like they get graded in school. I also told them they had to be HONEST in their grade, because if they didn't understand what the message was, I had FAILED them. The rest of the sheet and the back of it were lines so they could write down their thoughts, high points, things they didn't understand, etc. They used up all the sheets I had given them, but on my last Sunday at the church I got two note sheets from the two that were there that day. Both sides were filled with things they had heard. On one of them, at the bottom, this is what she (a Senior High Student) wrote: A Understanding A "Grade" Comment: I really liked the story about Jimmy. I liked the meaning of it.
The Title of the Sermon that Sunday was: "Love Walked Across the Field" It was about a Pastor who made an extra effort to visit a couple that had quit coming to church because they had a special needs child that years earlier that the parents had been asked to not bring him to church as he was "disruptive". He (the new Pastor) made an extra effort to invite them back. After missing the next Sunday, he walked across the field separating their home from the church again. He told them they were expected to return to church....including Jimmy. The story had a happy ending, and all was well. It was a story of Love. It hit home with the youth of my congregation. As it turns out, it seems that was what my target was supposed to be, the YOUTH. I think God was happy.
I was sad for quite a while until I understood that it was the youth that God wanted me to reach. What I realized was that it isn't us that chooses what we do or where we do it. IF we are listening and following God's guidance, it is HE that is moving us to do His work. That is why we moved here to Tennessee! Isn't it wonderful to be able to understand why you are where you are, and what you are there for? It is, if you are paying attention. So many of us go through life NOT paying attention to anything except our own enjoyment. NOT having a clue as to what God wants us to do. That is why I am so thankful that Pat and I are where we are and doing what we are doing, because I am certain that we are doing what God put us here to do. If I never get the opportunity to serve at another church, I will still bask in the glow of have been one of the few that had the opportunity to have served God by being a Pastor of His His children.
The future will unfold perhaps new and exiting things that I can do for God and His children yet, with the number of years I have left here. I was thinking out loud with Pat just the other day, and we were discussing the mortgage on our house. We determined that we both had at least another 20 years, so we could finish paying off the house. We all need a goal, so quit laughing! No, never quit laughing...it is good to laugh.
Point of the story: LISTEN to God's voice. He will be telling you what He wants you to do. Don't be afraid to step out on a new journey no matter how old you are. Have FAITH in the fact that God does't make junk and that YOU have been made in His image. Now buck up and act like you are a child of God. Step out and claim your right in the world. It is what you are supposed to do. We have all been taught (hopefully) to obey our parents. God is our ultimate parent. No one loves us more than GOD does! Amen.
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
That was a wonderful experience that solidified in my mind, the calling to serve God. In the back of my mind I knew it for many years but for some reason, the opportunity wasn't there. In the past three months or so, there has been a lot of reflection on that time, as well as the time at the church I was given the opportunity to serve after that for 10 wonderful and glorious months. I know that not many people are called to serve God in relationship to other jobs, but to me, it is a rare opportunity to be a Pastor of a Church, and I value that time as the very best time in my life. I was able to actually feel like I was accomplishing something VERY important. It brought me closer to the real purpose of what my life was meant to be. As I sit back and contemplate, it ranks right up there with choosing your spouse and raising a family. YOU are responsible for a bigger "family". The family that gathers together at the church that God has brought you to, to lead them (just like your other family) to knowing God better. I feel I did that both at Pastor Sara's churches, and the little church on the hill. In looking back, it was mostly the youth that I seemed to have reached. You see, one Sunday I went to the kids Sunday School class and told them how important they were to me in having them understand my messages every Sunday. I brought along a stack of half sheets and some red ink pens. I asked them to look at the sheets and the different areas I had. In the upper left was a name for their name and below that the date and Sermon title. (I like to title my sermons)
On the upper right was this: UNDERSTANDING A B C D F
I told them to write down the points that meant something to them, to comment on what they wanted me to know about how they understood what I was talking about. Then to GRADE my message just like they get graded in school. I also told them they had to be HONEST in their grade, because if they didn't understand what the message was, I had FAILED them. The rest of the sheet and the back of it were lines so they could write down their thoughts, high points, things they didn't understand, etc. They used up all the sheets I had given them, but on my last Sunday at the church I got two note sheets from the two that were there that day. Both sides were filled with things they had heard. On one of them, at the bottom, this is what she (a Senior High Student) wrote: A Understanding A "Grade" Comment: I really liked the story about Jimmy. I liked the meaning of it.
The Title of the Sermon that Sunday was: "Love Walked Across the Field" It was about a Pastor who made an extra effort to visit a couple that had quit coming to church because they had a special needs child that years earlier that the parents had been asked to not bring him to church as he was "disruptive". He (the new Pastor) made an extra effort to invite them back. After missing the next Sunday, he walked across the field separating their home from the church again. He told them they were expected to return to church....including Jimmy. The story had a happy ending, and all was well. It was a story of Love. It hit home with the youth of my congregation. As it turns out, it seems that was what my target was supposed to be, the YOUTH. I think God was happy.
I was sad for quite a while until I understood that it was the youth that God wanted me to reach. What I realized was that it isn't us that chooses what we do or where we do it. IF we are listening and following God's guidance, it is HE that is moving us to do His work. That is why we moved here to Tennessee! Isn't it wonderful to be able to understand why you are where you are, and what you are there for? It is, if you are paying attention. So many of us go through life NOT paying attention to anything except our own enjoyment. NOT having a clue as to what God wants us to do. That is why I am so thankful that Pat and I are where we are and doing what we are doing, because I am certain that we are doing what God put us here to do. If I never get the opportunity to serve at another church, I will still bask in the glow of have been one of the few that had the opportunity to have served God by being a Pastor of His His children.
The future will unfold perhaps new and exiting things that I can do for God and His children yet, with the number of years I have left here. I was thinking out loud with Pat just the other day, and we were discussing the mortgage on our house. We determined that we both had at least another 20 years, so we could finish paying off the house. We all need a goal, so quit laughing! No, never quit laughing...it is good to laugh.
Point of the story: LISTEN to God's voice. He will be telling you what He wants you to do. Don't be afraid to step out on a new journey no matter how old you are. Have FAITH in the fact that God does't make junk and that YOU have been made in His image. Now buck up and act like you are a child of God. Step out and claim your right in the world. It is what you are supposed to do. We have all been taught (hopefully) to obey our parents. God is our ultimate parent. No one loves us more than GOD does! Amen.
Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Isn't it strange how when we are kids, "older" is so relative? When we lived in South Minneapolis, I was in Jr. High School and the man across the alley had one of those "muscle" cars that he parked where I could see it. "Really cool car . . . that man out back, has." To me, even at 15 or so a guy 20 was and old man!
When one gets to his/her 20's, there is nothing that can't be done, no place that can't be reached. Perhaps, that lasts through the 30's as well. Get to the 40's and future planning gets a firmer hold on your thoughts, as you most likely now have a family going. In your 50's you are fine tuning your future plans and finding out you aren't as infallible as you thought you were. When you reach your 60's you have a knack of looking back and wondering "Where did all the time go?"
If you were blessed enough to have planned properly and the government hasn't stepped in and changed the rules you have been planning with, you are indeed fortunate. A side note: Social Security was NEVER meant to be a full retirement plan. So now in your 60's you find out whether or not, you did good, or perhaps could have made some different adjustments along the way, to be in a better financial state.
I have been blessed in several areas during my growing up phases.
One: I married well. By that I married a lady (Pat) that loves mathematics. She turned out to be a bookkeeper. She is also Obsessive Compulsive. In a lot of ways, that is GREAT. Especially when it comes to bookkeeping. When I married her (after about two months of dating) I told her I wanted her to stay home and take care of our future family, and our finances. I would focus on work. That seemed to work out pretty good. Of course she is a great Mother, and a FANTASTIC partner for me.
TWO: I was able to progress through my trade and my military career pretty successfully. As I am looking back on it, I seemed to have had quite a few jobs, and was able to come out the end with a couple retirements. There is the key, I think. Some folks I see had spent their entire career at one company, etc. When it came time to retire, they had ONE retirement to look forward to. As it is, I was able to retire from an 18 year career with the City of Las Vegas when I turned 60, and at the same time, my military service (30 years+ Active and Reserve) retirement kicked in. Although not even close to wealthy, through planning and working the plan, and being VERY lucky in what I had chosen, we are doing ok. So now I can look back and enjoy the journey that I had been blessed with to get this far. To look back on the highlights of my journey is what older people do. If blessed with a good trip, they can relive in their minds the many good times, more than having to dwell on the not so good times. But those times are still in there as a lesson or two on how it could have been better IF . . .
I see sometimes folks that have put all their eggs in one basket by working at a place from the time they graduate (?) from high school, and when they get to their late 50's or so, find themselves out of work, that is a horrible place to be. It might mean a career change, that means "re-training". Some are not able to convert easily and their life takes a downturn that is difficult to adjust to, I am sure.
Taking that into consideration, I am doubly blessed by have the opportunities to branch out of my trade and military experiences to serve God as a United Methodist Lay Speaker, training others to serve God in many various areas of the UM Church as well as actual opportunities for those that God calls, to PREACH. Because of that and my personal calling from God, I had the opportunity to actually serve Him as a Pastor of a small, country congregation. In the grand scheme of things, there are very few that have that blessing and opportunity to serve Him as a Pastor of a church. For that I am very grateful and humbled as well.
Since my physical challenges have occurred, I am healing and doing quite well actually. My Pulmonary Doctor just told me a week ago at a check up that he wants me to loose weight. I admit, I according to my weight, I should be 7 foot 10 inches, but besides that glaring fact, I want to walk on the moon too! Wonder which one, if either, will get done first? But I will continue to get better, and wait and see which avenue God has intended for me next. THAT is a reassurance that I think is FANTASTIC! If you are down and wondering which way to go, I suggest doing what I am doing. Stop, wait, and listen . . . for God's nudge in the direction He has set up for you. That takes something we call FAITH. Without FAITH in God and His grace and guidance, you will not be able to get the most out of life that HE has designed just for you. Isn't that GREAT?
So remember, keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
When one gets to his/her 20's, there is nothing that can't be done, no place that can't be reached. Perhaps, that lasts through the 30's as well. Get to the 40's and future planning gets a firmer hold on your thoughts, as you most likely now have a family going. In your 50's you are fine tuning your future plans and finding out you aren't as infallible as you thought you were. When you reach your 60's you have a knack of looking back and wondering "Where did all the time go?"
If you were blessed enough to have planned properly and the government hasn't stepped in and changed the rules you have been planning with, you are indeed fortunate. A side note: Social Security was NEVER meant to be a full retirement plan. So now in your 60's you find out whether or not, you did good, or perhaps could have made some different adjustments along the way, to be in a better financial state.
I have been blessed in several areas during my growing up phases.
One: I married well. By that I married a lady (Pat) that loves mathematics. She turned out to be a bookkeeper. She is also Obsessive Compulsive. In a lot of ways, that is GREAT. Especially when it comes to bookkeeping. When I married her (after about two months of dating) I told her I wanted her to stay home and take care of our future family, and our finances. I would focus on work. That seemed to work out pretty good. Of course she is a great Mother, and a FANTASTIC partner for me.
TWO: I was able to progress through my trade and my military career pretty successfully. As I am looking back on it, I seemed to have had quite a few jobs, and was able to come out the end with a couple retirements. There is the key, I think. Some folks I see had spent their entire career at one company, etc. When it came time to retire, they had ONE retirement to look forward to. As it is, I was able to retire from an 18 year career with the City of Las Vegas when I turned 60, and at the same time, my military service (30 years+ Active and Reserve) retirement kicked in. Although not even close to wealthy, through planning and working the plan, and being VERY lucky in what I had chosen, we are doing ok. So now I can look back and enjoy the journey that I had been blessed with to get this far. To look back on the highlights of my journey is what older people do. If blessed with a good trip, they can relive in their minds the many good times, more than having to dwell on the not so good times. But those times are still in there as a lesson or two on how it could have been better IF . . .
I see sometimes folks that have put all their eggs in one basket by working at a place from the time they graduate (?) from high school, and when they get to their late 50's or so, find themselves out of work, that is a horrible place to be. It might mean a career change, that means "re-training". Some are not able to convert easily and their life takes a downturn that is difficult to adjust to, I am sure.
Taking that into consideration, I am doubly blessed by have the opportunities to branch out of my trade and military experiences to serve God as a United Methodist Lay Speaker, training others to serve God in many various areas of the UM Church as well as actual opportunities for those that God calls, to PREACH. Because of that and my personal calling from God, I had the opportunity to actually serve Him as a Pastor of a small, country congregation. In the grand scheme of things, there are very few that have that blessing and opportunity to serve Him as a Pastor of a church. For that I am very grateful and humbled as well.
Since my physical challenges have occurred, I am healing and doing quite well actually. My Pulmonary Doctor just told me a week ago at a check up that he wants me to loose weight. I admit, I according to my weight, I should be 7 foot 10 inches, but besides that glaring fact, I want to walk on the moon too! Wonder which one, if either, will get done first? But I will continue to get better, and wait and see which avenue God has intended for me next. THAT is a reassurance that I think is FANTASTIC! If you are down and wondering which way to go, I suggest doing what I am doing. Stop, wait, and listen . . . for God's nudge in the direction He has set up for you. That takes something we call FAITH. Without FAITH in God and His grace and guidance, you will not be able to get the most out of life that HE has designed just for you. Isn't that GREAT?
So remember, keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,
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