Saturday, June 1, 2013

Isn't it strange how when we  are kids, "older" is so relative?  When we lived in South Minneapolis, I was in Jr. High School and the man across the alley had one of those "muscle" cars that he parked where I could see it.  "Really cool car . . . that man out back, has."  To me, even at 15 or so a guy 20 was and old man!

When one gets to his/her 20's, there is nothing that can't be done, no place that can't be reached. Perhaps, that lasts through the 30's as well.  Get to the 40's and future planning gets a firmer hold on your thoughts, as you most likely now have a family going.  In your 50's you are fine tuning your future plans and finding out you aren't as infallible as you thought you were.  When you reach your 60's you have a knack of looking back and wondering "Where did all the time go?"

If you were blessed enough to have planned properly and the government hasn't stepped in and changed the rules you have been planning with, you are indeed fortunate.  A side note:  Social Security was NEVER meant to be a full retirement plan.  So now in your 60's you find out whether or not, you did good, or perhaps could have made some different adjustments along the way, to be in a better financial state.

I have been blessed in several areas during my growing up phases.
One:  I married well.  By that I married a lady (Pat) that loves mathematics.  She turned out to be a bookkeeper.  She is also Obsessive Compulsive. In a lot of ways, that is GREAT.  Especially when it comes to bookkeeping.  When I married her (after about two months of dating) I told her I wanted her to stay home and take care of our future family, and our finances.  I would focus on work.  That seemed to work out pretty good.  Of course she is a great Mother, and a FANTASTIC partner for me.
TWO:  I was able to progress through my trade and my military career pretty successfully.  As I am looking back on it, I seemed to have had quite a few jobs, and was able to come out the end with a couple retirements.  There is the key, I think.  Some folks I see had spent their entire career at one company, etc.  When it came time to retire, they had ONE retirement to look forward to.  As it is, I was able to retire from an 18 year career with the City of Las Vegas when I turned 60, and at the same time, my military service (30 years+ Active and Reserve) retirement kicked in.  Although not even close to wealthy, through planning and working the plan, and being VERY lucky in what I had chosen, we are doing ok.  So now I can look back and enjoy the journey that I had been blessed with to get this far.  To look back on the highlights of my journey is what older people do. If blessed with a good trip, they can relive in their minds the many good times, more than having to dwell on the not so good times. But those times are still in there as a lesson or two on how it could have been better IF . . .

I see sometimes folks that have put all their eggs in one basket by working at a place from the time they graduate (?) from high school, and when they get to their late 50's or so, find themselves out of work, that is a horrible place to be.  It might mean a career change, that means "re-training".  Some are not able to convert easily and their life takes a downturn that is difficult to adjust to, I am sure.

Taking that into consideration, I am doubly blessed by have the opportunities to branch out of my trade and military experiences to serve God as a United Methodist Lay Speaker, training others to serve God in many various areas of the UM Church as well as actual opportunities for those that God calls, to PREACH.  Because of that and my personal calling from God, I had the opportunity to actually serve Him as a Pastor of a small, country congregation.  In the grand scheme of things, there are very few that have that blessing and opportunity to serve Him as a Pastor of a church.  For that I am very grateful and humbled as well.

Since my physical challenges have occurred, I am healing and doing quite well actually.  My Pulmonary Doctor just told me a week ago at a check up that he wants me to loose weight.  I admit, I according to my weight, I should be 7 foot 10 inches, but besides that glaring fact, I want to walk on the moon too!  Wonder which one, if either, will get done first?  But I will continue to get better, and wait and see which avenue God has intended for me next.  THAT is a reassurance that I think is FANTASTIC!  If you are down and wondering which way to go, I suggest doing what I am doing.  Stop, wait, and listen . . . for God's nudge in the direction He has set up for you.  That takes something we call FAITH.  Without FAITH in God and His grace and guidance, you will not be able to get the most out of life that HE has designed just for you.  Isn't that GREAT?

So remember, keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,


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