Monday, June 17, 2013

Parenting isn't the easiest thing in the world, but it ranks up there with the most rewarding.  Pat came from a family of parents (2) and an older brother (1).  There were a few aunts and uncles and cousins scattered around for family effect.  I wasn't there, but I see the results of good parenting when I met and fell in love with Pat.  They did well.

I came from a family of Mom and Dad, an older sister, and two younger brothers.  Growing up it didn't seem like we were poor.  Dad worked really hard at keeping food on the table and clothes on our back.  We had two wonderful sets of Grandparents who were a big part of our younger life.  Mom and Dad my sister and I lived in a trailer with a canvas roof in Grandma and Grandpa Saffell's back yard for a while. Think I have already talked about this in an earlier blog.  But the point I am trying to make, is we weren't financially wealthy, but spiritually and family-wise, we were blessed beyond belief, as I am looking back on our early life.  We didn't get everything we wanted as kids, but then I don't think many kids do!  But we were not lacking in Love.  We were warm in the winter, unless we went outside, (Minnesota, don'cha know) but as a family, there was lots of love to go around. Most of it was not the gushy, mushy kind of love, but the love that you feel when someone cares about you, and wants to make you feel good, and safe.

So when Pat and I found each other, actually I found her (I still don't think she was all that excited about going out on our first date) she got over that real fast, and for the next two months we found out that we were supposed to be together and go through life together, as a team.  So now forty-six years later, we have raised two boys (David and Todd) and a girl in-between (Amy) and have seven granddaughters as a reward for being decent parents.  Like my folks and Pat's folks, we never had a lot of money to spread around on goofy stuff, like cars for the kids when they got old enough, or things that their friends folks had bought for them. "Keeping up with the Jone's" was not a thought in our house.  Couldn't afford it! Didn't even want to begin going down THAT road.  What we did have in abundance (we tried anyway) was a home they could bring their friends over to.  A home where it was safe to play in the back yard or at the kitchen or dining room table playing games.  We tried to show them what we had when we were their ages...Parents who cared about their kids.  Of course there were the normal challenges that families have with children passing through their "growing" stages.  But we made it through them without too much difficulties.  I could show you pictures of our kids, but that would only make y'all jealous because they are so darn cute!  I remember one picture of Amy with our cat Sam dressed up in some doll clothes and there is Amy putting him in her baby buggy....with her hands around his neck!  He was a good cat and loved the attention!

Saw this on FaceBook I think.  It shows clearly how a good family is put together.  It is LOVE that makes a family solid.

So here we are now, after a cross country trip to see the boys a bit ago.  Watching what they are doing with their daughters.  David's girls are both grown now.  Last year Amanda graduated from High School and this year Jess graduated as well.  Amanda is in advanced school learning a trade, and Jess has enlisted in the Navy and is in boot camp right now, carrying on the Female in the Navy Tradition.  Then Todd's girls are such a joy to watch.  The interaction between them is quite the show to see.  They each have such remarkable individualism.  What is most interesting for me, although the girls are right close to the top of the list, is seeing how my boys treat their ladies.  If the men of the world would only treat their wives like my sons do theirs, it would be an AWESOME place to live. And then we come to "the DAUGHTER".  My daughter Amy was close by where we live, taking care of our dogs and cat, and bringing in the mail, and making sure things were ok at the old homestead while Pat and I were away.  Not only does she have a full time job teaching special needs kids at the high school, but takes care of her husband David like he's a king or something!  ha ha  And in addition to all that, Kaci, their daughter, is growing up so fast and is developing into a fine young lady in her own right.  If being a full time teacher of special needs kids and keeping a home for her husband (who spoils her rotten) and daughter, she is the troop leader of over 20 Girl Scouts going on trips, doing cookie sales, always busy. Each and everyone of those kids as well as the boy's families, are products of seeing and being in a family that strived to have values taught. . .Where there were a lot of things to do that didn't cost a lot of money. . . Where teaching values were more important that buying someone's friendship.

I think that love is more important that money.  I think that caring is more important than words.  I think that giving a hug is more important than anything found in a store.  Through the years we have seen many families with difficulties...including our own at times.  But what brings these families out of the bad times is the love and solidity that the effect of love has on a family, that makes it strong enough to last.

I feel sad for families that aren't close.  I feel sad that there are families that for some reason or another, have quit communicating with each other.  When something has happened that upsets someone, and it affects the others or perhaps just one member of the family, letting it go without talking about it, and NOT bringing the point of hurt out in the open so both can share their views and talk it out, is not only hurtful to the two individuals involved, but will and does hurt the rest of the members of the family as well.  That makes me sad.  What a waste of perhaps many years of separation.

So the point of the story is this.  Money doesn't make a family close.  Most times, just the opposite!  It is LOVE that makes a family close.  It is the relationship of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandma's and grandpa's and of course MOM and DAD.  Sometimes it is even physically unrelated people that become like a family that is so important as well.  Pat and I have that in our "family" as well. I think I have touched on that in an earlier blog, so FAMILY is a broad and encompassing word that not only means blood kin, but friends so close you are so much like aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, that the outside world stops when we are all together sharing and caring for each other.

Remember who the real Father is, and talk to Him daily...he waits for your're part of the family.

Keep on singing, keep praying, and keep smiling,


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