Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Looking Back

Hi y'all!  Looking back is most times enjoyable.  WHY?  Because you get to remember the good stuff.  Some of the good stuff was photographed, making it easier to think back with a smile on your face.  Recently moving my home office across the hall brought out some long ago photos of a couple of those good times.

On my 40th Birthday (which was 26 years ago), lovely wife Pat booked us on a Dinner Train.  The trip was from Minnetonka out several miles, at about 5MPH, and back.  During that time we had a fantastic time because it was, for all we were concerned, just the two of us.  Oh, there were many people on that train, but can't remember a one of them, or their faces.  I do remember the excitement of approaching the train as it sat waiting for it's guests to arrive.  It was a mild November Minnesota winter day.  There was a dusting of snow during the day which covered the ugliness in the landscape, that comes with wet snow, and dirt mixed together.  The train had an engine at each end (no turn arounds available, I guess) with a coach-vista dome car named BIG BEN behind the locomotive, and three other lounge and dining cars we had the Dakota Rail Dinner Train.  As the sun set and the full moon came out, it made the trip a definite time to remember.  Glad we took pictures...didn't know how much that would help in later years to remember!  We had long wild rice cream soup which was the best start of a meal I have EVER had.  The rest was something chicken as both of us recall. There was a nice desert, all served by attendants dressed in starch white servers uniforms.  After we retired to the lounge car we relaxed and talked, and watched the trees, and fields glistening in the moonlight.  Running at such a slow speed gave us a gentle rocking feel, and a slow clickity clack in the back of our minds.  Nothing rushing the whole evening, and after dinner treats were served with whatever we wished to drink.  The train had stopped right after we finished eating and started it's slow travel back to the pick up spot.  It was well operated and well timed.  What a story book train trip in a land of just the two of us.  Magical night, that we both remember fondly.

There were a few bumps in our lives together that I think most folks encounter, but it is reassuring to understand and appreciate whoever you had/have picked for a spouse to travel through this journey called LIFE.  This was, indeed, a highlight. It was November of 1986.  Sadly, some aren't as fortunate as I have been in their choices.  At this end of the journey, I can say, Thank you to my wife Pat, for putting up with me, the many times I deployed overseas, worked various shifts, and at times double shifts, extended shifts, several jobs, and hanging in there to enjoy the rewards of sticking with me!  That is what married folks do, I think.  Hope your life can be as blessed in everything you do, or have done. It's fun (most times) looking back on your journey.

At times like this when reflecting on my life, I heard somewhere, something that went like this:  When my life is over, I want to come sliding into home, scuffed up, dusty and laughing, and saying to GOD, "Thanks for the GREAT LIFE you have given me, that was FUN!"

Keep singing, Keep laughing, Keep smiling


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