Sunday, September 8, 2013

New projects...old memories generated

It's been a while since I last had a visit with you.  Life seems to get in the way of getting things done that eventually get shuffled off to the side and before you know it, they are forgotten.  That's what I am finding out from this last event that I had inadvertently got started.

When we moved to Tennessee, we wanted to downsize.  We lived in a very nice community; four bedroom house, garage, desert landscape (equals: no lawn mowing).  Downsizing was what we needed. You know. . . Pat's Dad had gone home to God, all the kids were out on their own, retired and fancy free,  and we felt God's calling to Tennessee.  So off we went and came to Rutherford, TN.  I am so glad we did, as God DID open up a whole bunch of things for us to do.  We can cover those things in later postings. Now I wish to explain how things go, sometimes.   We bought this nice, run of the mill, rambler style home.  Three bedroom, two bath home, carport nice size lot with a fenced in back yard, and in a very nice neighborhood.   The first three years somehow consisted of construction projects.  Water drainage system put in to get the water away from the house, new front porch, replace the fence out back, 12x28' storage shed, new lawn, and then a new master suite where the carport was, and later a new garage and utility room beyond that!  Of course a new concrete driveway and an extended patio and cover out back finished up our projects.  So now as we have exceeded the largeness of any house we have ever owned, we are done building.

So here is what has happened since we last had a visit.  My off-the-cuff idea (without thinking much about it, before speaking it into existence) to make the "grand shuffle".  You see, when we moved here, Pat staked out the front corner bedroom as her office.  I had corner of the living room for my computer things.  The second bedroom was a guest room and then we had the Master bedroom w/bath to round out our rooms.  Since we have a migrating cousin and husband passing through in the spring and late fall, and others have found their way to visit,  and now our oldest son and wife and daughter are coming to live in the area in a couple weeks, I mentioned: "Let's make my office the guest room, it has the attached bath.  That will give our guests a little more privacy".  So then it started.  Pat's office will take over the old guest room, I will move across the hall to her OLD office and the guest room will be moved into the OLD Master bedroom/my OLD office.  So today, we have the guest room almost finished.  Just a few wall shelving things to put up and put some family memories on, to make it complete.  The bed is in, the bathroom spotless, thanks to daughter Amy (lives down the road in Kenton, 10 min. away) and ready for our Goddaughter to visit.  Pat got a new desk out of the deal and her office is looking pretty spiffy.  Mine still needs a few weeks of figuring out not only where to put all the stuff, but just WHERE did it all come from?  In the process of putting things together, I had gotten my desk moved over and the computer stuff on it, and was plugging it all in when I rose from a squatting position on the floor, giving no mind to the lurking shelving bracket that I had installed just above where I was plugging into.  When a drop of blood dropped onto my glasses, I knew it couldn't have been a good sign.  So, I showed Pat what her nit-wit husband did and she went into the "protection mode" that she is so good at.  A few minutes later, daughter Amy was whisking us to Dyersburg TN ER, where they put in 5 stitches to my right eye brow, and sent us home.  I do NOT recommend anyone to get themselves into the predicament to need stitches, especially in the head.  It HURTS.  The numbing part is what hurts, the stitching doesn't hurt a bit.  Now I have to get my regular Doctor to take them out this week.  I had hoped for dissolving type stitchery, but NOOOOOO.  Another of life's experiences.

This is enough for now.  Because of the "Grand shuffle",  I have found more photographic resources, that have gendered some more memories to share, I will be doing so in the coming posts.

I wish everyone a happy week, and may it be as exciting but pain free as we have been having here, getting ready for family to share our time with.  God has been working hard with us on this project, but Satan has been doing everything he can to slow in down with discouragement and doubt.  Won't ever happen here, because we know what's happening.  In church this morning, I became so disoriented, I couldn't remember one of my most favorite hymns to lead as the closing hymn.  To top it off, I hadn't noticed that my left forearm had started to bleed and soaked through my shirt sleeve.  Quite scary, but we knew who was causing it and why!  Our church is having a great God experience and Satan doesn't like it one bit.  We all know that God wins....Satan just doesn't seem to catch on yet.  So we continue to do what God wants, and move forward.  What an awesome God we serve.

Keep singing, keep praying, keep smiling,


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