Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Computers are a way of life with most of us.  It didn't used to be that way, and there are some folk that it still isn't.  Sometimes I really admire their not having a computer that takes up so much of their day. I like the look on their face when they tell you "What's FaceBook?"  Computers are a necessity of government, business, and most households now.  They are the TOOL that gets us our information that we think is needed all the time.  Paper paged books are going away, as is paper newspapers for our information gathering of daily living.  I was told many years ago that we would become a paperless society soon.  I seem to print out a lot of stuff on my home office printer.  What do I do with it?  File it in a folder.  There is a name for that, and maybe another time we will visit that issue.  But, we but are still moving closer to that paperless society envisioned years ago.

A while ago while having to take some medical tests at Jackson General Hospital in Jackson, TN, I did the "check-in" with the admittance person.  After asking for my medical coverage cards, she scanned them into the computer and went on explaining that the "new system" was going to have everything that was necessary for "the system" to know about me now that the cards are scanned. That is kind of uncomfortable knowing that my personal information is now let loose of my control and a machine with many security leak potentials, has "ME". . .  Not that it ever WAS under my control, I suppose.   Several weeks later when I came into the Emergency Room via ambulance, there wasn't a lack of information problem at all, when they admitted me.  All the insurance and other information was neatly tucked away in their system.  Interesting huh?

On the other side of that coin, computers can be aggravating, and stress building.  Like when you loose that internet connection right in the middle of a project.  Or for some unknown reason, you can't connect to the internet at all, and you are at HOME!  Some folks have told me I am one of those Hi Tech people because I use an iPad and do work at a computer.  I am about as low hi tech as anyone could imagine, I think.  I know nothing about how to make it work if it decides not to.  Ever had that happen to you?  Frustrating isn't it?   I have improved  over the years though on knowing what NOT to do with files if you still want the computer to work properly.  At the beginning, I had this thing about "neatening" up the folders.  Lesson learned: Don't go into the system files and mess around unless you have been to a school to enlighten you on how computers actually work.  If you move stuff around that is really really important for the operation of the computer, it cannot find said file(s) that you rearranged location because it made more sense to you, and now your computer will be relegated to serving you as a desktop "holder-downer" only.   So now I leave things alone (most of the time) and sit back and hope that nothing will go bad.  The iPad training is given to me by my daughter. Actually, it is not training as much as it is Damage Control, showing me how to undo what I have screwed up!

I really don't know how any household functions without having a home computer these days.  Actually, I guess it is, I don't know how someone, that doesn't have someone, to do the internet research and day to day connectivity with bill paying, shopping, research, etc. for them, get by.  If I didn't have Pat doing that sort of stuff, I would be soooooo lost.  She is my foundation of staying out of trouble with all kinds of things.  She makes Doctor appointments, pays the bills, plans the shopping trips, meetings we or either of us have scheduled, and whatever is going on in our lives.  I am blessed with just being where I am needed to be, and when.  THAT is a blessing for me, as I can then focus on other areas of life that need to be explored, worked on, contemplated over, developed, designed, coordinated and a whole lot of other things done.  We are truly a well oiled team.

But most of it would be done at a slower pace without a computer, in spite of it's pugnaciousness at times.  Have you ever thought of how your life would be without God in it?  Some of us know that answer.  Some of us have experienced that emptiness of not having a foundation of love and peace in our lives that only God can give us.  The GOOD NEWS is that we are ALWAYS connected to Him....IF we choose to.  We will not loose that connection like an internet connection, unless we disconnect on our side.  And even then, it is only on our side because God is still there, with us, wanting to continue on with our relationship of goodness, wholeness, peacefulness, and joy.  We don't have to fret over internet connection, speed, downloads, uploads, file formats, or anything else.  God IS there for you and for me.  ALL the time.  No machine needed.  No wires to connect.  No fancy terminology to use. No education and technical stuff to learn.   Just you and God.   Isn't that reassuring?

Do you know how to make that connection?  It is based on the KISS method.

You know. . .  Keep It Simple Silly!

The answer is: Start

Now the choice is yours.


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