Thursday, March 14, 2013

Right up front . . . It's a special day today that I MUST share with everyone.

For those that that are missing that special something, and you can't put your finger on, or for those of you that think you have everything together with your spiritual life, or for those of you who haven't a clue but are going to continue to read on . . . need to consider what I will share with you today.

Let's back up the train a bit first and give some groundwork to build on.  Years ago, my life was being built on a spiritual framework and didn't realize it.  It was because I was blessed with a Godly heritage of parents that felt that church and learning about God and living a life of kindness, gentleness, hope, faith and Love, was the way to live.  As life went along, I pretty much lived that kind of life, although there were (as with most people that aren't Saints) little side trips that weren't all that good for me, but I moved ahead with the foundation having been firmly planted in God....without a big fanfare or "in-your-face" knowledge beating me on my head at every turn.

It was one day in Henderson, NV (well that same day was the same everywhere, but I was in Henderson, NV) that I learned of something special called the Walk to Emmaus.  I had never heard of it before other than in the Bible, there is a retreat called that and someone from church was going to it!  It got my interest because it was a program that you could attend only by invitation!  Not knowing what went on during the Walk, I was still excited to learn about it and get an invitation....after all, I was a church leader, a pillar of the community, a worthy "inductee" into this secret society!  It is no wonder I wasn't invited.

In the back of my mind, it bothered me so much, and actually irritated me somewhat that no one would invite me.  It sat back there for quite a few years.  Then we moved to Tennessee and continued here with my church involvement until I was assigned a church to Pastor.  I have to tell you that God HAD sent me to that church for a reason.  That reason was to get me invited to a Walk to Emmaus!  My first official Sunday preaching, I was told that that a couple of the men were at not at church that morning because they were finishing up their Walk to Emmaus.  I shouted out "I've never been, how can I go?"  They were excited to hear that and told Pat and I that we would be going when they held it next.  Around here there is a Spring and a Fall Walk.

"What is it?", you ask.  In a nutshell, it is a Personal Spiritual Retreat. Sounds pretty bland said that way does't it?  If you get to go, when you come back, the people around you will KNOW something is different about you.  YOU will know something different is about you.  God is working in your life whether you are aware of it or not. Walk to Emmaus is a 72 hour period of total personal God time without outside "stuff" going on.  No radio, clock, internet, computers, smart phone, or any other attention deflector to interfere with a series of informational talks and small group interpretation. There are a lot of surprises along the way that if told about every detail before hand would spoil the surprise, so we try not to ruin your Walk.  It is NOT a secret society or anything like that.  There are special moments throughout that are so awesome that when it is all over, you are so realigned with you and God that it is UNBELIEVABLE! There are a large number of people of our Emmaus community (which when you complete this retreat, are a welcome part of, should you choose) that are taking care of you, supporting and uplifting you and your family (if needed) during this whole time.  You are fed, and prayed for continually, snacks galore, medical care if necessary, or whatever your personal physical needs are, are all being taken care of  during the Walk, so that you can focus totally on your personal spiritual revelations.  In other words, you are being PAMPERED the whole 72 hours.

You can find out other information by Googling .  It is world wide, but this is our West Tennessee group. The key is (and they can help you) to have someone that has been on a Walk to INVITE you.  The purpose of that is simple.  To go on the walk, you are interacting with potentially 50 to 75 other people at the same time.  You must be wanting to experience the feeling. Disruptions would un-focus from the "why" you are there.  There is a lot of Spiritual and Emotional overload that I experienced and when it was happening, could feel God's Grace and awesomeness over-flowing throughout me.  THAT is what is happening.

The way West Tennessee Emmaus community runs the Walk is that the Men's Walk is held, then two weeks later, the Ladies Walk is done.  That "in-between" time is somewhat difficult, but a good difficult, because the guy already knows what is coming up for his wife, and that is Awesome renewal.  When both have gone, the sharing begins!  And ohhhh, what a wonderful time that is.  For those that are ready for The Walk to Emmaus, the amazing thing is that what you thought your spiritual knowledge and foundation was, that you really needed this revival weekend.

The special day today of sharing is this: Pat and I were able to sponsor two couples for this Walk.  Both of course, are friends.  One is Pat's hairdresser, and her husband, a good friend of mine and a Pastor of a local Baptist Church.  The other is a Girl Scout Mom, and friend,  and her husband who is a guitar playing friend of mine.  The ladies are leaving this evening on their walk and we are all excited, as are they.

The point of this story is:  Don't take for granted that you are ok, spiritually.  Don't think you have all the answers about your foundational basis of how healthy your "religious" knowledge and understanding of salvation is.  I thought I was pretty well grounded.  You may be in for a big surprise after a Walk to Emmaus weekend.  It is an interdenominational event. It doesn't matter what your denomination is.  On my Walk, we had Baptists, United Methodists and others. It is not about is about your personal relationship with God, though talks, prayer, special moments, and self reflection. There is no denominational theology or methods discussed.  It is not about denominational religion, it is about YOU and GOD.   Without an opportunity like this, my experience is that we can drift off and not even know it.  What a personal and spiritual renewal it was for me.

Check it out . . . it is being done for your benefit  


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