Friday, March 1, 2013

After some reflection on what I spoke of last, I felt a follow up necessary to complete the story.
As I understand it, the task at hand when I was deployed to Saudi Arabia in August of 1991, was basically withdrawing from the area after the major fighting was complete and Kuwait's peace was restored.  There were still some challenges with Saddam Hussein, and we were still in "Combat" status, so there was still tension in the air.  Like the time he wouldn't let the Nuclear Inspectors do their job and the saber rattling rang out for a few tense days with heightened activity in the Logistical Operations Center.

When I arrived in country, and after getting my assignment in Lt. Pegonis' Communication Staff, I sought out to find a United Methodist Army Chaplain.  What a startling revelation you may think! Let me explain my thinking.  About four or so months before getting activated, I had started in the United Methodist Local Pastor course of study and was about to move forward from the beginning stages of meeting with the Board of Ordained ministries (a couple times) and on to the next steps required.  That stopped when I deployed, but I didn't want to have a void in my spiritual life, so figured I could find a Methodist Chaplain and see if I could help him in my off time.  So, one day I found a Chaplain walking back to his office at Khobar Towers  and asked him.  He said "Walk with me. I don't have a clue what you are asking, but we can talk back at the office."  He was Lutheran, so I couldn't expect him to understand a Methodist thing. ha ha  As we approached the office, I could hear the phone ringing on the other side of the door.  As the Chaplain answered the phone, he spoke, and said, "This call is for you." (or something along those lines).  On the other end of the phone call was the ONLY United Methodist Chaplain between Israel and Afghanistan!  To make things even better, he was attached to Khobar Towers office!  That began a close 8 month relationship between John Lile and myself. I helped him with the music and liturgy four times a Sunday (Two Worship services in Daharan and two in Dammam).  Chaplain John had me reading the Book of Romans (I think about four or five times) and we discussed many aspects of that Book as well as denominational things I would need to know as I progressed in my journey in the ministry of Jesus Christ.  Many wonderful hours of study, learning and fellowship followed with Bible Studies at some British civilians Villas that John had became friends with.  During that time, I was given the opportunity to actually preach four Sundays!  That is 16 times, I was able to preach the message of Jesus Christ in a Muslim Country (on US property).  I thought that was, and still is, a BIG HUGE accomplishment!
This is me sharing the love of Jesus Christ in worship.

Our congregations were small, but that was fine.  We weren't out to making Mega Churches, we were out to preach God's Word about the Love of Jesus Christ!

When Christmas of '91 came around, Chaplain John had acquired a choir and we were invited to Gen. Pegonis' villa for a Christmas Day Celebration.  I brought my guitar and we sang ALL the Christmas Carols ever written (it seemed), and the Spirit of our Savior's Birth was in the air!
Chaplain John Lile leading the "Just for Christmas Alleluia Choir"

It was a double edged sword being able to share Jesus' birth with my new Army family, but missed terribly my wife and kids back home in Henderson, Nevada.  A conflict to be sure.  Word got back to me that my wife Pat and the kids were invited to my Nevada Unit's Christmas Dinner, at which she was the honored guest.  THAT made me so proud of my people that they did such a wonderful thing for my family. 

Continuing on my mission in Saudi "drawdown", there were units turning in their vehicles, ammo, etc. and going home, so our message center's responsibilities were lessening by the week. Before we all got sent home, I had a picture of our G6 Section taken for "remembrance sake"
Quite a crowd when we all got together.  On looking at this picture, it is something like looking for Waldo!  Our Major is the tall one on the right edge.  Great guy.  My immediate supervisor and friend is the guy on 2nd row, the far left...Master Sergeant Bigott, and front row left is my good friend, Master Sergeant Nunally, at Reservist from Chicago. The three of us had some interesting moments together that made the General's meeting one day.  Another story for later.  

 Eventually, it came my turn to go home.  Before leaving country, some were given a commemorative coin by the present Commanding General who at that time was Brigadier General Brown who saw us onto the aircraft at 0330 - 26 March 1992.     
 Farewell Saudi Arabia

When I returned home and paid a visit to my Unit at the Reserve Center, the Unit full time Tech, Shiela, welcomed me by saying "Welcome home Sergeant Saffell, you have been transferred!"  Before leaving the States I put in a request to be moved to another unit for promotional reasons as I had spent over 10 years doing what I enjoyed but at a price of staying at a lower rank than I should have been.  During my deployment I had been promoted to Master Sergeant and transferred to an Army School based at Bell, California.  After joining my new assignment at the school, in addition to my position as a Senior Instructor and responsible for 5 or so junior instructors, I became the person that took care of the graduation invocations, and other spiritual things the bosses could think of.  Very interesting job assignment.  Below is at one of our graduation ceremonies invocation at Camp Parks in Dublin, California (outside of Oakland, Ca).  
I finally Officially retired from the Army with 30 years service, which seemed to go by so quickly.  I feel that this great Country of ours gave me an opportunity to travel to places I would NEVER have been able to see and experiences THAT was worth every minute spent.  I learned so much about people, new skills, exotic places only previously seen movies, travel logs, or TV.  I have seen Naples Italy; the Isle of Capri; Pompei (at the foot of Mt.Vesuvius) the Leaning Tower of Pisa; Florence and several other cities in France; England; Singapore; several cities in Japan; Hong Kong (twice); several places in the Philippine Islands; and a few other spots that have slipped my memory for right now, but may return someday.

So I have had a very generous gift from my country that I am very proud to have served and will defend yet today if necessary.  It is a country founded on Godly traditions, has welcomed millions of people to become citizens through our immigration processes that were designed to have people become a part of our society to work as a WHOLE, not as a FRAGMENTED and separatist bunch of people, but a large citizenry of sharing our individual heritages to make us a stronger and UNIFIED society, working to improve ourselves and our neighbors with a common language, but not forgetting our past.  It worked that way for over 200 years.  Wouldn't it be great if we worked together once again to regain what we seem to have lost these past decades or so?

Point of the story is this:  There have been millions of defenders of this great country of ours.  We MUST NOT let their efforts and sacrifices be for naught.  This country has gone to the aid of the world to help right wrongs, to help others in disasters and in conflict.  This country has been founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.  When World War II ended and everyone came home, there was prosperity and the world benefited with what the United States created.  What has happened, in my opinion, is simply this: We have let God slip away from our basic way of living.  The American people have let themselves forget that this country was blessed by God, BUT because the leadership and the MEMBERSHIP (citizens) of this great Country of ours became more of a ME focused society of what can the Government GIVE me, it is starting to FAIL!  But what we need to do is get back to a GOD focused society.  Before it is too late, we must take back our country and give it back to GOD.  Those that are able, need to re-focus and and start DOING, instead of keeping on TAKING!  We really need to get folks re-focused on PRAYER, and on OTHERS, to share the Good news of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.  There IS room for many denominations and faith communities in this great land of ours.  GOD is an enormous GOD!  It is through Him, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that can turn this around if we only ask Him.  Help the United States of America become a GREAT Country of Hope, Love and Faith once again....PLEASE!  Pray says so in the Bible.  You know . . .  that Book that has all that stuff in it about Father God and Jesus?    Consider it your "OWNERS MANUAL" of life.  

Think of the Bible this way:  BasicInstructionsBeforeLeavingEarth

Call me an optimist, I think it can happen.


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