Saturday, March 23, 2013

Optimism is a good word.  A noun. It means hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.  Being Optimistic is the adjective (an action word) that gets you in the proper frame of mind to allow something, usually positive, to look forward to seeing, doing, ect.

Several weeks ago my life changed.  Since then I have been working toward the HOW TO LIVE WITH IT part.  I realized that adjustments were in order pretty quickly from the beginning.  I also realized that what it is  . . .  IS.  It won't go away like a bad dream. It won't get much better. So how am I going to deal with it?  Am I going to be angry?  Anger isn't a very productive feeling.  Am I going to feel sorry for myself?  Why would I do that?  Understanding what I have, and seeing what conditions others are working through, I have a "walk in the park" event going on here.  Although it will be a slow walk, it is still hands down better than some I see and read about.  Those are the folks that I pray about constantly, especially my military brothers and sisters.  They have given so much, doing what others don't have a clue about.  I am so fortunate to have come away from a several careers in the shape I am, and am still able to walk on my natural legs and giving my granddaughters a hug with my arms when I see them.  That I am still able to talk. Still able to do what average people do, although now I have a little pack with me that churns out Oxygen for me to breath, and that makes a little noise. Sometimes people look to see what the racket is all about, but all is good.  WHY?  Because I have optimism.  It's a great word!  It makes me happy when I realize how well off I am, in contrast to how poorly I could be.  I choose to be happy.  I choose to continue to share my love of Jesus Christ in some form or fashion.  I am, who God made me, and for that, I will continue to be happy and rejoice that I have a life filled with friends, and filled with the most important part and that is FAMILY, that loves me.

I pray for those that are having difficulties in their lives.  Those that are suffering from Negativism. Those that are hurting so bad that their emotions are clouded with doubt and despair. I had a moment of that. I was really down about loosing something I was greatly enjoying and thinking I was doing well at.  Then it went away.  I regained my OPTIMISM and am much better both physically and emotionally as well, because I chose to (with God's help).  So I do understand.   I ask that you pray for those that are suffering similar situations as well.  As brothers and sisters in life, we need to support those that are in trouble of loosing their happiness, and joy.  We need to intervene and give them their OPTIMISM back so they can be productive members of society.  When you think about it, aren't you happiest when you are accomplishing something?  When your hands and mind is busy helping someone?  We can all do with a little dose of OPTIMISM now and then.  Mostly the NOW is better...know what I mean?

I am optimistic that I will continue to have opportunities that God will provide.  I have my thoughts of what I would LIKE, but understand that is not going to be the focus.  The focus is what GOD wants me to do.  HE will guide the what, when, and how.  All I know is that I am OPTIMISTIC that in the proper time, I will hear his whisper and I will have been prepared (because that is what God does) to fulfill HIS next assignment.  That is going to be exciting, don't you think?  There is opportunity around the corner....I just need to get TO the corner.  With OPTIMISM, I can make it.  You can too.

Keep singing, keep praying for others, keep that smile on your face.


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