Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today is SHOES!

Al Bundy was a shoe salesman.  He was probably the worst and the best thing to happen to the retail shoe industry.  The worst, by his attitude and disrespect for women.  The best, because he made those of us that found ourselves in that profession laugh! For those that never had the pleasure of seeing 70's TV Show "Married with Children", he, and his dysfunctional family were one of the hit shows of it's time.

"What does that do to relate to Gary?", you might ask.  After my great experience with the Aquarium Store (of yesterday's offering) I was looking for a way to feed and house my family.  In the strip mall where the Fish Pond was, a few doors down, was a family owned, Headquarters store of a five store, chain of shoe stores.  The folks there had become friends during our time in the mall, so I went down to talk to John (the owner) to see if he had any openings that I would be able to fit in with his organization.  Seems he had an Assistant Store Manager position in Golden Valley open, so he sent me over there to see the Manager there and get working.

Golden Valley is a first tier western suburb of north Minneapolis that is an established collection of homes and businesses and a firm sense of community.  The store I was being sent to was, you guessed it, in a strip mall!  The store was very nice and the people were really nice as well.  Manager John welcomed me to the staff and I went to work.  But WAIT!  I knew nothing about selling shoes!  Ahhhh.  I thought I would stand back and watch the experts and learn how to become successful in the art of shoe sales.  The part time staff filtered in later that day and this is what I saw.  Salesmen [2] (standing visiting behind front counter) Customer comes through the front door. [Remember this is a shoe store with accessories like socks, purses, etc. ONLY...not a department type store] A salesman says: "Hi, if you need any help, just holler."  The customer wonders into the store like a deer in the headlights.  The salesman continues his story with the other salesman.  I watch the customer wander around and eventually (not too long of a time) walk out the door.  NO Sale.  The sales guys at the front counter didn't even see the customer leave.  I thought that this was not a very effective way to generate income and that was the reason I was there...not knowing why THEY were there, other than have some "visiting time" with their friends I suppose.

So my mission was set.  I knew what was needed to be done.  I asked the lack-of-sales-guys how to measure feet with their slide tool that the shoe guys use, and went to work.  My technique was be close to the front door when a customer came through the front door.  "Good afternoon, Welcome to Shuler Shoes!" "How can I help you today?"  That was usually followed by their response of "Just looking around.", to which I said, "Our ladies department is over here" [gesturing to the appropriate area], our children's section is over there" or as appropriate for who and what gender they were.  I would walk them to their area of interest and say something like "Here are the dress shoes, casual shoes . . ." pointing out the selections available.  Then I would tell them I would be right here if they needed help and walk over and "adjust" a display or two until they made their selection for me to help with.  Most times my customer would walk out the front door with at least a pair of socks if not a pair of shoes AND a pair of socks!  I started at the store in the middle of the month.  The next month and the following six months I worked there, I was the top salesman in the five store organization.

John decided to expand to the empty store front next door and broke through the side wall and installed a very nice "Discount" side of the business.  My wife Pat was hired to help set up the racks and displays, which was great because now we were working together again!  WONDERFUL!  I have had some "guy comments" when someone would ask "How can you work with your wife for 8 hours a day?"  I always thought that it was an extremely weird question every time I was asked.  My comment was always "She's my WIFE....I enjoy being around her as much as I can.  That's why I married her!" What a concept!

One sunny afternoon found Pat and I at the front counter and a wonderful, little Jewish lady came in the front door.  I was straightening under the front counter when I heard the door.  As I straightened up, I hit my head on the counter overhang and grabbed my head with an "UGGHHH" or something similar.
That lady chased me around the counter wanting to kiss my head and make it better!  Pat got to laughing so hard she was almost weak in the knees and having to hold the counter to keep from falling herself.  What a time we had with our loyal and beautiful friends that came into the store.

With that said, even with the bonus check on my sales, there was not enough income to take care of our outgo.  Our next door neighbor and good friend, Jim Williams, was an MTC Bus driver and told me the company was hiring drivers, and I should go and see about it.  I went down and applied and was set up for training.  I said my farewells to John and my shoe sales experience, leaving in good stead with the fine people for providing me and my family with another journey into a new area to explore complete.

Tomorrow we will re-live Twelve years (went by in a flash) with the Metropolitan Transit Commission of Minneapolis and St. Paul.  There will be some hair raising stories as well as some heart warming ones for your review.

The point of this story is:  Keeping your options open, God will provide a place for you, even though it may be a temporary "fill in the space until the other door is ready to open" type of situation.  There are always new areas of life to explore, and new information to gain, on your walk through life.  That is what makes everything so interesting.  "What's next Lord? Here I am....use me, I'm listening for Your call."


1 comment:

  1. Sold shoes part time at a J.C. Penny store in Mobile, Alabama. Needed extra income after we bought our first new home. It was an interesting job. Lots of black folks live in Alabama and I found that black ladies were the hardest to fit. They mostly have very long and very narrow feet.
